Dispatcher Enjoyability

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I'm curious on the perspective of Dispatcher mains or ex-dispatchers, so I really have to ask:

1) Is being dispatcher fun for dispatcher plays?

2) do you guys actually make good money doing the job?

3) Is there a role you despise playing versus one you love doing as dispatcher out of the three roles?
Dispatcher was great when the server struggled with player count.

It still is enjoyable when low pop as you can easily organise the department.

However, when the server is busy and you have an army of pistol cops it becomes impossible to enjoy, unless you have multiple skilled dispatchers & supervisors on the ground.

My opinion is;

A) Dispatchers should have more control over radio & the ability to stop open transmission.

B) Supervisors need to deal with both radio protocol & following dispatchers more seriously.
Dispatcher was great when the server struggled with player count.

It still is enjoyable when low pop as you can easily organise the department.

However, when the server is busy and you have an army of pistol cops it becomes impossible to enjoy, unless you have multiple skilled dispatchers & supervisors on the ground.

My opinion is;

A) Dispatchers should have more control over radio & the ability to stop open transmission.

B) Supervisors need to deal with both radio protocol & following dispatchers more seriously.
whenever i see a dispatcher online, cops dont listen to them most of the time - so they just quit the job, i feel like dispatchers should be able to just somehow mute theyre radios until they talk with a supervisor or something similiar
I really enjoy dispatcher but it definitely is a fight to be in control sometimes. I think there's been a lot of debate regarding how it can be improved to be a better experience for officers and the dispatcher. But it's a complicated balancing act between giving them too much or too little control. Also to my understanding, coding anything in gmod in relation to voice communication is tricky. At the end of the day, no matter how much it's changed, you can have a poor or good experience depending on the actions of the officers on duty or how experienced the dispatcher is.
A) Dispatchers should have more control over radio & the ability to stop open transmission.

B) Supervisors need to deal with both radio protocol & following dispatchers more seriously.

These two were my main issues with being a Dispatcher too. Dispatchers should get the ability back to split the radio up in separate departments, so Medics don't all automatically respond as soon as they hear a cop yell "Shots Fired". They shouldn't respond unless the Dispatcher tells them. A dispatcher can massively improve the effectiveness of responses map-wide if people were just not communicating around the dispatcher. Of course, with a "kill-switch" that quickly allows open-comms in a panic situation.

And don't even get me started on radio protocol. It seemed to me when I was still Dispatch Command, that Supervisors were sometimes even worse than pistol cops at following it. At least new cops have the decency to just drive around and listen most of the times, Supervisors constantly try to "Overrule" and take charge of radio comms, despite the guidelines stating otherwise. I understand that some supervisors need to be able to overrule a rogue dispatcher some times, but it really should be limited.