Dispatch FAQ, Tips and Tricks

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England, Norfolk
Hey guys Death Howl here ignore my lack of tag as I am infact a dispatcher still but forget about me. You are here because you have some interest in the dispatch division or you need a bit of help. I have been part of the dispatch division almost since it has been running and been getting a good working knowledge of it for you.

Now lets start off with the FAQ for some common questions.

Q - What is Dispatch?

Dispatch is a non combatant server side division tasked with maintaining control and organising the police force. They are just like dispatchers IRL we sit at a desk drinking coffee and get the government services to where they need to go.

Q - What roles do Dispatchers have?

Dispatchers have such a vast array of roles that if multiple are on duty they will split the roles to make it easier. Dispatchers are responsible for the following.

Controlling and Organising government services.
Answering 911 calls.
Using camera's around the city.
Assigning units.
Radio organisation.

Q - Where do dispatchers fit into the chain of command?

Dispatchers infact outrank Sergeants only Lieutenants or aboth can overule their decisions. They are given this power to help them maintain control over the police force if high ranks are available or not. Even though dispatchers can do this they need to rely units on scene and intel gained to make choices.

Dispatches might be the ones looking over the police force but they can't keep an eye on everyone all the time. If you have a problem with police doing something they should not be you can call the dispatchers and based on information they have they can allow the police to stay or make them leave.

So next time you have raid hungry sweater cops consider calling for a dispatcher to look into it rather than a supervisor.

Q - Do dispatchers get a map?

We have a a map with a live feed of the locations of all government units including their cars that updates every 4 seconds. If one of your units go unconcious or are dead they will not show up on the map. Using the map we can get exact locations of callers and if needed direct units to their location even if they are in the forest.

Q - What do I need to be a dispatcher?

I have had several asking this already, there are several things you need the main 3 are a working mic, phone and a good knowledge of the laws. You also need alot of patience and organising skills to survive for more than 5 minutes as even the most experienced dispatchers sometimes struggle.

Applications are currently closed please contact @LEWIS 088 regarding this or anything else dispatcher related.

Q - Do dispatchers get any special equipment?

No dispatchers are less equiped than traffic officers

Any other questions regarding dispatcher you believe should be included here please pm them to me so I can consider adding them. Questions I cannot answer should goto @LEWIS 088

Tricks and Tips.

Dispatchers are actually able to mute the radio if they are not sat down in the dispatch room.

Do not try to destroy the cameras to use to invalidate evidence all it will do is give your position away, dispatchers can't tell if cameras have been destroyed and nor can the staff unless video evidence is provided.

Prank callers beware dispatchers get call history thanks to the new phone update even from 911 calls.

Camera coverage has its blind spots most of them do not point towards private property or apartment buildings, study the blind spots well and you will be able to avoid the cameras coverage.

Ranks do not matter if you are a dispatcher.

You can move incident reports to different locations by clicking on the incident then selecting the location and "Move Incident Here"

All dispatchers on duty should be in the control room to be able to communicate with fellow dispatchers.

You are not useless in a raid infact dispatchers are good at updating units on scene, watching for potential hostile backup, negotiating with hostage takers, keeping track of units and identifying potential suspects.

If you believe you found a suspect and a officer catches them ask them to bring the suspect infront of one of the cameras, camera perspective means it is alot harder to get the appearence correct on some people doing this should help if you really did get the right person.

While dispatchers do not need to stay in the dispatcher room they should stay in the PD as they have no way to defend themselves.

If a someone is refusing to go somewhere remember you outrank everyone but LT+ make them go if you need to. Emergencies take priority remind them that or if necessary request a demotion or reprimand or if you don't currently have that power report him.

Maintain good, organised communications and keeping in touch with your units is vital to you being effective at your job.

This thread will be changed where necessary and on request if you have anything to add let me know. Spelling mistakes are possible due to technical problems and horrible education.

Edit 1. Thanks for the heads up about not needing to be a senior officer.
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