Does rule 3.4 apply as an officer?

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United Kingdom
Say I'm a police officer, and a civilian gunpoints me, does rule 3.4 still apply? Am I able to cuff him or call for backup? I do have to enforce the law, and me telling him to stop would go against law 6.5.
All rules apply to officers.
If you break any of the rules, PSD will have a look at the rule broken and give a punishment relevant enough.
3.4 only applies if you do not have a gun out or are not sitting in a brute, otherwise, you must always value your life.
You can panic, call for back up while gun pointed IF you are safe (in a brute) OR can retaliate (with a gun out.)
yes it applies, unless u have a firearm in ur hand when the person start pointing a gun at u, then u can retaliate.
U cant retaliate if ur under gunpoint without a firearm in hand tho
All rules apply to officers.
If you break any of the rules, PSD will have a look at the rule broken and give a punishment relevant enough.
3.4 only applies if you do not have a gun out or are not sitting in a brute, otherwise, you must always value your life.
You can panic, call for back up while gun pointed IF you are safe (in a brute) OR can retaliate (with a gun out.)