Server Suggestion Drag items into deployable chests in storage

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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Suggestion Title: Drag items into chests inside inventory
Suggestion Description: Instead of one by one taking out guns or items to move into a chest, be able to drag said items straight into the deployable chest before dropping it to someone.

Why should this be added?:
- I’m still kind of new to the server so idk if this is a thing and I’m just stupid or it doesn’t exist. I seriously would like this added if it’s not because taking a chest out, then clicking over and over to fill up the chest to drop my friend some ammo I crafted him without spamming dropping it or selling him some guns. I’m probably just stupid and don’t know how to do it but if it doesn’t exist this seriously should be added because it’s so slow and tedious.

What negatives could this have?:
- I see no negatives
clicking over and over to fill up the chest to drop my friend some ammo I crafted him without spamming dropping it
Hey, if you guys are in a organization together you can use the org storage tab, simply drag items in there just like how you would with your normal storage and then your friend can take it out.

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