Well, nobody is going to remember me because even I don't know what my name was when I used to play this server back in like 2015 Evo city and all that. I remember I've been a Belinsky and a Marcello. Got a job in late 2016 so rarely played and every time I came on I didn't know anyone. Trying to make a bit of a return to the server now as I've found the fun in it again! For those who don't know me my name is Lewis. I'm 19 and I'm a fully qualified tree surgeon as a job. Hopefully starting my own business in the coming year. I'm also into my motocross a lot and try get at it most weekends. For those who share the interest I have a '06 kx 125 and a xr650r trail bike can do some LUA from what I remember but I'm not as good as I used to be also love doing graphics design on photoshop illustrator cinema4d and all that! Overall It's good to be back