Duffel Bag

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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/duffel-bag.29284/#post-185091

Main Idea: Add a craft-able Duffel bag to obtain guns from a raid

Full description of the idea: At around level 40 firearms you can craft a duffel bag ranging from about 5k, and with that you can obtain more guns from a raid, it will have a certain max weight so you can have something like 5 pistols or 2 shotguns/rifles. When you open the duffel bag all guns will fall on the floor and take a certain amount of seconds to put each weapon in the bag. Limiting you from using different guns for mags.

Why should it be added?: To add a realistic way of obtaining weapons in a raid instead of putting them in the back of your friends raptor or putting it in a storage box.

Pros: Add's more realism to the server. Stops people putting loads of weapons in a storage box.

Cons: None at the moment

*Other additions: N/A

*Images: https://gyazo.com/6621be4a3739d2a39f4e60687b310283
But how would you add them to the duffel bag and it would have to slow u down or people will minge grab more than usual good idea but would need a lot of other things to make it work
If they add this all they need to do is add clown masks, fix the bank and we’ll have Payday in PERP.

But how would you add them to the duffel bag and it would have to slow u down or people will minge grab more than usual good idea but would need a lot of other things to make it work

I’m guessing it will work in the same way as a storage box. Pop it down on the ground and either drop a weapon on it or use it like a trunk. I’d like to see a world model for it though. On top of that the police would need a way of searching it.
After reading your suggestion I have several criticisms:

At around level 40 firearms

What does firearms level have to do with being able to make a bag?

Stops people putting loads of weapons in a storage box.

There are rules in place already to prevent misuse of this system. Additionally, I feel like this is a rule that is itself effective at deterrence (unlike raindancing, which is a natural thing which is difficult to control / quantify.)

and with that you can obtain more guns from a raid,

This is a subjective opinion, but I believe that time spent in the raid should be strongly proportional to the rewards received. Spending a lot of time transporting weapons is a factor in the time one spends at a raid, and each gun stored is equally risk as it is reward. Changing this speeds up the process sure, but at the cost of the balance between the risk - reward of raiding.

To add a realistic way of obtaining weapons in a raid instead of putting them in the back of your friends raptor or putting it in a storage box.

This shows you have not thought this through very well. Poor justification with no solid reasoning behind it.

None at the moment

Now you do right

Add's more realism to the server.

If I had a penny for everytime this "pro" has been dismissed I could probably buy a 99p chicken fillet.
After reading your suggestion I have several criticisms:

What does firearms level have to do with being able to make a bag?

There are rules in place already to prevent misuse of this system. Additionally, I feel like this is a rule that is itself effective at deterrence (unlike raindancing, which is a natural thing which is difficult to control / quantify.)

This is a subjective opinion, but I believe that time spent in the raid should be strongly proportional to the rewards received. Spending a lot of time transporting weapons is a factor in the time one spends at a raid, and each gun stored is equally risk as it is reward. Changing this speeds up the process sure, but at the cost of the balance between the risk - reward of raiding.

This shows you have not thought this through very well. Poor justification with no solid reasoning behind it.

Now you do right

If I had a penny for everytime this "pro" has been dismissed I could probably buy a 99p chicken fillet.
Thank you for the reply, I am currently on phone but tomorrow I am going to take all of this and put it in cons, thank you again this helps out a lot.
Good idea. This would actually help raids go faster when transporting weapons. If this was in the game we wont have to deal with admins screaming at us saying you need to make an escape every 2 seconds...
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