Elite Dangerous?

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The Death Star
Eyy guys,

So I am looking at stuff in the Winter Sales on Steam, saw Elite Dangerous, anyone recommend it? and what do you do in the game?
I am playing it right now, you basically start in your ship and you have to make money. There are tonnes of ways to make money but you need to work your way up to make the most. You can bounty hunt, trade, smuggle illegal goods, do missions for people. Its quite good if you like space games.
I am playing it right now, you basically start in your ship and you have to make money. There are tonnes of ways to make money but you need to work your way up to make the most. You can bounty hunt, trade, smuggle illegal goods, do missions for people. Its quite good if you like space games.

Hmm, not bad, can't you build space stations ect? (pretty sure ive seen a video on it however i have no clue)
There is one thing i don't really like about elite dangerous, and that is the grind for money, if you want the best way to earn money, it is pure grind and galaxy hopping, other then that, the PVE/PVP is good, and the graphics are great.
Would recommend bounty hunting if you get bored.
Game is utter trash.

Good luck trying to start off anywhere making money or progress because the tutorial is actual almost non existent (since I played). Since I didn't know what to do I basically flew aimlessly trying to accomplish a goal that wasn't there. Go read the steam reviews. There's no story or anything it's devoid of content. At the end of the day it's your buy.
Game is utter trash.

Good luck trying to start off anywhere making money or progress because the tutorial is actual almost non existent (since I played). Since I didn't know what to do I basically flew aimlessly trying to accomplish a goal that wasn't there. Go read the steam reviews. There's no story or anything it's devoid of content. At the end of the day it's your buy.

While it is a grind, its worth it. Ships in this game mean a lot and getting them gives you a sense of achievement. My advice if you do get the game is to go to a resource extraction site (A gas giant with rings) and just finish off wanted ships that the police are killing. A anaconda can get you 200k and you only have to hit it once and let the police do all the work. That is how I started and I now have about 60 mil doing slave trade runs earning me 1 mil per run. (15 minutes per 1 mil)

oh and there is no building space stations
Too much grinding, might be worse than trying to buy that one expensive car you like in perp.
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