Enforcer recommendation(s)

Reaction score
@LordTyla (Tyla Jai), @Madda (Martin Checky) and @GraveDinosaur (John Riddle).

And to some extent: (@Creepis and @Smudger) - Sorry I didn't mention you in the first place but I don't think that I've seen you in any "enforcer" situations yet. However, you should still be acknowledged for your awesome RP skills.

As former staff member (Enforcer/Moderator) I'm impressed how quickly you guys have adapted to your newly achieved rank. You behave utmost maturely when dealing with people who refuse to roleplay in accordance to the server rules. I appreciate the huge effort you put into the server. I've now been through a couple of "enforcer" situations with you guys and you always approach people calmly, professionally and open minded. You're fair towards people when it comes to deciding an appropriate punishment/warning regardless of what situation you might encounter.

You are also dedicated roleplayers. It's crucial that you as staff members are the perfect examples/role models to new people. I've had the pleasure to experience that.

(I wish that I could recommend every single staff member but that would probably be a little excessive.)

This one goes out to the rest of the staff team on PERPHeads:


Stifler approves ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

Keep up the good work!
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Thank you Prepper. This truly means a lot to me. I am really glad I'm doing good as an enforcer. For a while I was worried I'd be terrible :p
Poor smudger D:

I agree though, the new enforcers are all great and really deserve their rank!