Envionic attempting to influence RP with /looc

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Nottingham, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: ShadowJoey
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Envionic
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95763860
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Attempting to get a "sweater-vest" cop to not drag him via a local out-of-character message. This is a small rule infringement but it is one either way. Envionic claimed he didn't try to but this is fairly obvious.
Evidence (Demo Required):

Not applicable.
Seriously? I only told him not to drag me. o, o I don't know why theres an AR on me for just that.
There is no rule against doing this, this is a pointless AR to say the least. Imo you're just causing more problems than it's actually worth.

You are a fool.
As @Chrissy, this is completely useless, causing more problems than needed and just stupid in general.

IMO you're just showing off how you're "A great enforcer" which if you are doing this for @Envionic to get banned for a small thing you should just not write enforcer applications at all. It also shows that you will warn / ban people over small small things such as this one, and this is what I hated;


That proves you wouldn't believe anyone and just go on a banning spree on small things.
Next thing you will see is a ban for "Stacking drug plants"

This is pointless. His actions resulted in no detrimental change or even affected anyone's role-play experience. All you had to do was remind him to ask in-character instead. I'd like to know which rule number he broke exactly? This isn't even worthy of a "verbal warning" let alone an official one.

Murtsley gave someone a warning for interrupting role-play and trying to influence a situation with local out-of-character.
I can't just dish out a warning, I can only make an action request to attempt to grasp punishment.
@Yaseen was warned for that because it would ruin a big RP situation (even though the warning is currently being disputed). In your AR though the person would only avoid him being dragged as he thought that there was no reason for the officer to drag him (even though it should of been said IC.).
Basically him talking ooc didnt change much and no RP was interrupted thus making your AR ridiculous.
Interrupting RP = Affecting other players' roleplay

Please do explain where any of that roleplay affected others making them annoyed? Not yours, you were just walking by and saw that and thought

"Oh yeah, I can be a hero and get a lot of likes!!1 Yay i'm going to be an enforcer wooo!"

Calm down sunshine, what you said is bullshit and your little reputation you had is blown to bits and pieces. Best thing to do it apologize to @Envionic and close this shit. You aren't going to be an enforcer judging by this small AR.

No hard feelings honestly from this, but grow the fuck up.
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