epilepsy montage

Reaction score
my bed
made a montage of some shit old clips i recorded manually cus i can't use shadowplay or anything else just wanted to edit something as im bored
anyways heres a montage with way too much vibration, just dropped it in after effects to make it very cool
epilepsy warning btw

turn down the s_shake a little bit homie and would look fire, i would also suggest using it when you get a kill or something. The screen pumps were pretty cool and the intro to your video was creative, i loved the intro text. The clips were kinda sleeper but overall good video. :)
ty but this isnt really a serious montage tbh at first it was looking at the intro and stuff but then i gave up and put in so much shaking ironically and i dont even get many kills in the clips which were put in on purpose too
What made you think acting like a hard lad and getting a 3 month ban would get you attention?