Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Dom_
Your Steam Name: DanielTTK
Your In-game Name: Daniel Walker (Daniel Bingo when i get unbanned)
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55260803
Why were you banned?: Allegedly Cheating because of this montage (
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: 1. The ban got put on my face because of the montage which is not enough for a ban. The "0.25" milisec reaction time can be easily explained and can be done by anyone. Personally my best reaction time ive tested is on 165. My avg is around 183 ms. A humans reaction time is not consistent. That day I was very focused. Beware I dont check regularly. Once a year thing. Anyway. The inhuman reaction was just planned out. Let me ask you this. If I were to be hacking, does the hack include perfect, lucky crosshair placement EXACTLY where the tfu would stop his run? Does me, start spray, the instant I see any sign of the TFU peeking from the right seem impossible to you?
The first clip is me snapping to the door, where I expect people to be, then returning to the original position, it just happened to be a guy on the other end walking. I also wasnt even at head height, I checked the clip with a crosshair and my aim was at stomach level. If I had aimbot during the montage, you would damn notice.
Now, I have been asking for the ticks and clips of the "sketchy" stuff to be sent to me, so I can dispute them and explain many of the actions but Bolli decided to completely neglect me that option. Why? Well because, for some reason, I was unable to start the original demo Dom asked for AFTER I got banned. I sent the demo to @Moon to check if it worked for him, and it didn't but I thought it did because when I asked him about it he said yes because he thought I was asking if the link was working. Therefor I sent the demo to Dom_ and he saw it was empty. Next he gives me until 6 pm of that day I got banned to provide him with the real demo which I dont posses. Dom_ and TinySlayer takes a chunk of my demos and TinySlayer checks my PC for cheats or any signs of cheats, which I do not possess either. Both Dom_ and Tinyslayer were open for a dispute, open for a second chance I assume. But Bolli, the head admin, decided that I should not be able to dispute the cheating allegations because of the troubles I ran into with the first demo.
The staff members have great trust to eachother, ones opinions sway eachothers. Now they seem sure that im cheating, well I aint so sure im cheating. Sure its unfair that a mad lad like me goes round poppin heads but many of those clips just follows by me dying after or running away like a lil pussy. Cops always win, its perp.
Now seriously, Im not a well known perp player. Sure I've had some montages here and there with decent clips and shit quality but now I have truly improved. I put up a third montage I was super excited about. Sorle sees it and doesnt get a problem with it, just jokes around and commends it. Then this shit happens. It feels like I got banned because I was a nobody with good aim. Anyway, I hope we come to a good conclusion. I've been spitting words in the middle of the night. Imma sleep after dis.
Now whats strange to me, is the fact that Bolli chose to tell me that I have absolute no chance to dispute, after that the staff had possessed a good piece of my recent demos. He says the demos and information both Dom and Tiny have gathered are rendered useless. Let me ask another question. You take my demos. Search through them, now you telling me that the demos are invalid just because of the glitch with the first demo? Then you are claiming that there is absolutely no chance that there was a glitch with the demo. Yes, I agree, it is highly unlikely, and like dom warned me, I am aware of how it looks, but shouldn't you always give the benefit of the doubt to us? Another issue I have with this whole thing comes from a previous conversation. Dom said that he, tiny and Bolli reviewed the demos. Then Bolli proceeds to say that he doesn't have time to check all the demos and he just wants the one I apparently tampered with.
There is so many questions I've had unanswered from Bolli and actually the other two staff members. Ill list them below, a straight copy, paste from the previous conversation.
Is it possible for me to get the times/ticks of the sketchy stuff? (The question I asked three times, until I got the answer from Bolli to basically go fuck myself. He started attacking the error with the original demo file)
Why just that demo file? Why not a different one? Why the one that was empty all of a sudden? That has raised suspicion on my end too from the start.
Another question that is raised after the conversation, why does bolli claim that he hasnt checked the rest of the demos when Dom clearly states that he checked them with Bolli and Doms second opinion on the montage was Bolli himself. Then Bolli goes to say that the rest of the demos prove nothing because the first demo they asked for nullified for unknown reasons. This just make it look like that the demos didnt have enough evidence. Tiny even checked my god damn PC. The it professional Tinyslayer, and we are good. Only the demos...
If possible I'd love some other administrators to take a look at the dispute. Not the staff members involved already.
Additional Comment(s):
. If #FreeTTK aint working your boy gonna go terrorize some other rp server i guess... BTW look at this vid, if you staff its very important to my case. IT IS CRUTIAL! These pros aint all no cheaters yet this shit happens, i mean you guys spec moon everyday right xd.
Evidence (Required for all server bans): . I have no more evidence since I was refused the timestamps of the sketchy situations. (CHECK THE PICS OUT THEY ARE THINGS IVE WRITTEN THAT ARE IMPORTANT TOO SEE)

Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Dom_
Your Steam Name: DanielTTK
Your In-game Name: Daniel Walker (Daniel Bingo when i get unbanned)
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55260803
Why were you banned?: Allegedly Cheating because of this montage (
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: 1. The ban got put on my face because of the montage which is not enough for a ban. The "0.25" milisec reaction time can be easily explained and can be done by anyone. Personally my best reaction time ive tested is on 165. My avg is around 183 ms. A humans reaction time is not consistent. That day I was very focused. Beware I dont check regularly. Once a year thing. Anyway. The inhuman reaction was just planned out. Let me ask you this. If I were to be hacking, does the hack include perfect, lucky crosshair placement EXACTLY where the tfu would stop his run? Does me, start spray, the instant I see any sign of the TFU peeking from the right seem impossible to you?
The first clip is me snapping to the door, where I expect people to be, then returning to the original position, it just happened to be a guy on the other end walking. I also wasnt even at head height, I checked the clip with a crosshair and my aim was at stomach level. If I had aimbot during the montage, you would damn notice.
Now, I have been asking for the ticks and clips of the "sketchy" stuff to be sent to me, so I can dispute them and explain many of the actions but Bolli decided to completely neglect me that option. Why? Well because, for some reason, I was unable to start the original demo Dom asked for AFTER I got banned. I sent the demo to @Moon to check if it worked for him, and it didn't but I thought it did because when I asked him about it he said yes because he thought I was asking if the link was working. Therefor I sent the demo to Dom_ and he saw it was empty. Next he gives me until 6 pm of that day I got banned to provide him with the real demo which I dont posses. Dom_ and TinySlayer takes a chunk of my demos and TinySlayer checks my PC for cheats or any signs of cheats, which I do not possess either. Both Dom_ and Tinyslayer were open for a dispute, open for a second chance I assume. But Bolli, the head admin, decided that I should not be able to dispute the cheating allegations because of the troubles I ran into with the first demo.
The staff members have great trust to eachother, ones opinions sway eachothers. Now they seem sure that im cheating, well I aint so sure im cheating. Sure its unfair that a mad lad like me goes round poppin heads but many of those clips just follows by me dying after or running away like a lil pussy. Cops always win, its perp.
Now seriously, Im not a well known perp player. Sure I've had some montages here and there with decent clips and shit quality but now I have truly improved. I put up a third montage I was super excited about. Sorle sees it and doesnt get a problem with it, just jokes around and commends it. Then this shit happens. It feels like I got banned because I was a nobody with good aim. Anyway, I hope we come to a good conclusion. I've been spitting words in the middle of the night. Imma sleep after dis.
Now whats strange to me, is the fact that Bolli chose to tell me that I have absolute no chance to dispute, after that the staff had possessed a good piece of my recent demos. He says the demos and information both Dom and Tiny have gathered are rendered useless. Let me ask another question. You take my demos. Search through them, now you telling me that the demos are invalid just because of the glitch with the first demo? Then you are claiming that there is absolutely no chance that there was a glitch with the demo. Yes, I agree, it is highly unlikely, and like dom warned me, I am aware of how it looks, but shouldn't you always give the benefit of the doubt to us? Another issue I have with this whole thing comes from a previous conversation. Dom said that he, tiny and Bolli reviewed the demos. Then Bolli proceeds to say that he doesn't have time to check all the demos and he just wants the one I apparently tampered with.
There is so many questions I've had unanswered from Bolli and actually the other two staff members. Ill list them below, a straight copy, paste from the previous conversation.
Is it possible for me to get the times/ticks of the sketchy stuff? (The question I asked three times, until I got the answer from Bolli to basically go fuck myself. He started attacking the error with the original demo file)
Why just that demo file? Why not a different one? Why the one that was empty all of a sudden? That has raised suspicion on my end too from the start.
Another question that is raised after the conversation, why does bolli claim that he hasnt checked the rest of the demos when Dom clearly states that he checked them with Bolli and Doms second opinion on the montage was Bolli himself. Then Bolli goes to say that the rest of the demos prove nothing because the first demo they asked for nullified for unknown reasons. This just make it look like that the demos didnt have enough evidence. Tiny even checked my god damn PC. The it professional Tinyslayer, and we are good. Only the demos...
If possible I'd love some other administrators to take a look at the dispute. Not the staff members involved already.
Additional Comment(s):
Evidence (Required for all server bans): . I have no more evidence since I was refused the timestamps of the sketchy situations. (CHECK THE PICS OUT THEY ARE THINGS IVE WRITTEN THAT ARE IMPORTANT TOO SEE)