Ermak breaking 3.4

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Knoxy82/Lee Starksy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ermak/Ermak Rasmussen
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:50947970
Why Should This Player Be Punished: user broke 3.4 when me and a friend @DANIEL_ was gun pointing him to break a friend @JBirksy who was in his custody at the time we put our car infront of ermaks and starting gun pointing him he then decided to drive around us running over @DANIEL_ and driving off even though we didnt kill @ErmakDimon he still put his life at risk because realistically our bullets would have pierced his windshield. Ermak also got warned for breaking 3.4 on that same day by @Super_
Evidence (Demo Required):
started driving before you guys raised guns or gave any orders.

Also your argument of "bullets wouldve pierced the windshield" is invalid, because you only hit the rear windows, and if anything you would've risked killing the person you were trying to break out
started driving before you guys raised guns or gave any orders.

Also your argument of "bullets wouldve pierced the windshield" is invalid, because you only hit the rear windows, and if anything you would've risked killing the person you were trying to break out
As you can see in the video he was shooting when you were perpendicular to the way he was facing so he would've realistically hit you.
I died due to your actions and so did daniel if you would of followed the gun point in real life it would of took a second to raise a gun
Either way you're still putting your life in danger as he was shooting at you?
First of all, he effectively "realistically" killed his friend when he was shooting full auto at my car.

Second, I know he would've shot me the moment i got out since he was compromised and police were heading his way.
you dont decide that you dont go oh hes probably gonna shoot me let me just break 3,4
The moment you got out of the car I floored it. I had a reasonable chance of escape since i was in a moving car and there were police patrols behind me backing me up. You effectively murdered the friend you were trying to break out by spraying his side of the car with an auto rifle.
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