Ermak-Just Like Tyla (Acoustic)

You honestly seem talented, I think a bit more practice and you can start earning some money when your older with that ngl. Tip too, try to make your own songs not take the lyrics off someone else song and remake it if you know what I mean , more effort = more money
Nice one 6 eyes!

Jokes aside I also think you're pretty talented and if you did attempt to make your own songs I'm sure you'd get somewhere; never know until you try. Keep it up bud
This is so impressive as fuck.
Not only is the guitar bigger then you
You also know the lyrics out your head
Nice job but these are the types of videos that get shown around school so :joy: :ok_hand:
Ermak-Just Like Tyla (Autistic)

all jokes aside this is a quality me me, you should continue to pursue the guitar...

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Ermak-Just Like Tyla (Autistic)

all jokes aside this is a quality me me, you should continue to pursue the guitar...
i genuinely thought this thread was about me being autistic at first glance because i cant read