User0 Guest Sep 29, 2016 #1 Great role-player and in general a cool dude. The last time we were playing is with his passive role-play org Uber. Amazing org shall I say. He is also willing to help anyone on the server just ask him for some help.
Great role-player and in general a cool dude. The last time we were playing is with his passive role-play org Uber. Amazing org shall I say. He is also willing to help anyone on the server just ask him for some help.
Esteban Messages 952 Reaction score 2,508 Points 645 Location Kazakhstan Sep 29, 2016 #2 Wow. Really wasn't expecting this, as I've been quite inactive recently. But I thank you for noticing me trying to help other people. If anyone needs help, I'll do my absolute best to resolve their issue. You are also a really nice and help full person. I really miss you as mod Hopefully I'll be more active in a bit, and I can start the Uber service up again Cheers.
Wow. Really wasn't expecting this, as I've been quite inactive recently. But I thank you for noticing me trying to help other people. If anyone needs help, I'll do my absolute best to resolve their issue. You are also a really nice and help full person. I really miss you as mod Hopefully I'll be more active in a bit, and I can start the Uber service up again Cheers.