Appealing for: OOC Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Efan
How long were you banned for: Month
Your Steam Name: Nassim
Your In-game Name: Conyo Demama
Your Steam ID: not needed!
Why were you banned/blacklisted: I posted a youtube video with some guy named darkkain who offended Efan.
Why should this appeal be considered: Because It was never my intention to offend anyone during this. I was trying to have some fun, but the fun had his limits and that's what I realised now.
Additional Comment(s):
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Efan
How long were you banned for: Month
Your Steam Name: Nassim
Your In-game Name: Conyo Demama
Your Steam ID: not needed!
Why were you banned/blacklisted: I posted a youtube video with some guy named darkkain who offended Efan.
Why should this appeal be considered: Because It was never my intention to offend anyone during this. I was trying to have some fun, but the fun had his limits and that's what I realised now.
Additional Comment(s):