Hi everyone
Thanks for participating in the event tonight hope people enjoyed it, I have paid out the prize winners dave roos and sorle however I will be back with another event soon (unless I get sent too the shadow realm for enabling staff too massRDM) all joking aside as well I want too thank a few people that really really helped out @Ellie, @Megasaw, @peeps, @rogue, @dog, @Scoot, @Bolli (Even thought he got bodied by me
) @LilacAndGooseberries @walnash and other I might not have mentioned for helping in one way or another (Especially Dog he helped with the whole entire map after a shamble of a first round).
Hears a clip from the event, also please feel free too ask me for more events in the future / make suggestions
Thanks again
Thanks for participating in the event tonight hope people enjoyed it, I have paid out the prize winners dave roos and sorle however I will be back with another event soon (unless I get sent too the shadow realm for enabling staff too massRDM) all joking aside as well I want too thank a few people that really really helped out @Ellie, @Megasaw, @peeps, @rogue, @dog, @Scoot, @Bolli (Even thought he got bodied by me

Hears a clip from the event, also please feel free too ask me for more events in the future / make suggestions
Thanks again

Duck hunt but spesh - Clipped with Medal.tv
12 Views. Watch Duck hunt but spesh and millions of other Garry's Mod videos captured using Medal.

KOS Bolli - Clipped with Medal.tv
Watch KOS Bolli and millions of other Garry's Mod videos captured using Medal.

Eat it - Clipped with Medal.tv
Watch Eat it and millions of other Garry's Mod videos captured using Medal.

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