Expanding medic


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North East
Description of the idea: I'd like to preface this suggestion by saying the overall idea here isn't to make something with the size or scope of the police department. It'd be more of a "side job" designed to encourage players to play medic and rewarding them for doing so.

The goal of this suggestion is to add some form of progression to medic. It's an important job in a lot of situations and too often there's either no medic or a sweater medic who's too busy licking the defibrillator to treat anyone.

Essentially what I'm suggesting is some kind of automatic system that tracks your performance on the job (revives, gametime, etc etc) and will rank you up over time. There'd be no external websites or forms to fill in and everything to do with medic can be managed ingame.

An increase in "rank" (an arbitrary word to be replaced by something more suitable to a medical context,) would give any number of bonuses decided on by the balance team. Stuff like higher wage, slightly nicer cars or maybe even increased money from revives (500->750->1000 etc.)

Another part of this suggestion is the addition of a new NPC in the spare room in the hospital (give him a desk and chair and everything the head of the hospital would need,) and allow players to check their progress through the ranks with him.

The scaling of this job would be less than that of an officer, based primarily on how casual it is. There are really two ways to do this. A lot of ranks with smaller benefits for ranking up from each or (my personal suggestion,) limiting the progression to 1-2 extra ranks.

In terms of moderation of all of this, it can primarily be left to staff to deliver punishments to medics breaking rules. There'd be no job specific oversight like internal affairs. Blacklists would work fine if someone was abusing their power.

That's about all I can think of, but I've been sitting on this idea for a while and I've only just been bothered to type it all up so do let me know what you think xoxoxooxxo

Why should this be added? (pros): More medics of a higher quality (this affects pretty much everyone)
more opportunities for newer players to make money (with a simpler and easy to understand progression path)
maybe new content for older players too if they feel like it

What negatives could this have? (cons): people abusing with each other to reach whatever goals set quickly.

PS. I'm not a developer so I don't know how hard any of this would be to make but if it is too much that's fine
This is a really good suggestion and I am sure it wouldn't be that hard to implement.
P.S Add a poll.

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