Suggestion Title: Expanding the highway bridge (City to Business)
Suggestion Description: A very professional, quick and dirty sketch is linked below.
My proposal is to make the bridge two lanes as it is in the previous parts of the highway with included concrete dividers. I also suggest raising these dividers in order to not get cars stuck like the raised dividers on the highway from city going to suburbs to prevent more unnecessarry risks of getting vehicles stuck and causing more trouble as is because a Mini swerved into your sports car.
This change is there to increase the safety of drivers and to protect them from the common occurence of people swerving into incoming traffic. This always happens one way or another and the highway bridge is notoriously known for this.
I'm against adding any sort of pauses in the dividers (like an island) to prevent people from u-turning randomly on the highway. This would be beneficial for government and emergency workers but in reality this would cause more trouble by people abusing it.
I didn't have any plans of adding breakdown zones but I added them regardless to see how they would look like. Now this contradicts my point of increased safety but in my experience I never really suffered any fatal incidents while on a breakdown zone as its pretty huge to begin with. Would be nice if we had some sort of guard rail for civilians to stand behind that seperates you from the road or else you'd have to stand on concrete and most likely just get pushed off.
Possibly add another speedbump and additional warnings at the Y-lane zipper/merge but tbh we'd see cars fly off the highway which would be funny as fuck.
Why should this be added?:
-Decrease the risk of head on collisions with the opposite side of traffic.
-Lower tickrate means driving vehicles has made them more of a pain which is already causing more accidents in general due to increased input lag.
What negatives could this have?:
-In reality wouldn't solve anything and people would still ram somewhere at the start of the Y lane/zipper merge.
-The breakdown zone is a horrible idea unless we add some necessarry safety measures for people being present in the breakdown zone like a guardrail.
-Skybox/playerclip would need to be moved a bit to make room for the breakdown zone.
-Monorail needs adjustments.
Useful Images:
Suggestion Description: A very professional, quick and dirty sketch is linked below.
My proposal is to make the bridge two lanes as it is in the previous parts of the highway with included concrete dividers. I also suggest raising these dividers in order to not get cars stuck like the raised dividers on the highway from city going to suburbs to prevent more unnecessarry risks of getting vehicles stuck and causing more trouble as is because a Mini swerved into your sports car.
This change is there to increase the safety of drivers and to protect them from the common occurence of people swerving into incoming traffic. This always happens one way or another and the highway bridge is notoriously known for this.
I'm against adding any sort of pauses in the dividers (like an island) to prevent people from u-turning randomly on the highway. This would be beneficial for government and emergency workers but in reality this would cause more trouble by people abusing it.
I didn't have any plans of adding breakdown zones but I added them regardless to see how they would look like. Now this contradicts my point of increased safety but in my experience I never really suffered any fatal incidents while on a breakdown zone as its pretty huge to begin with. Would be nice if we had some sort of guard rail for civilians to stand behind that seperates you from the road or else you'd have to stand on concrete and most likely just get pushed off.
Possibly add another speedbump and additional warnings at the Y-lane zipper/merge but tbh we'd see cars fly off the highway which would be funny as fuck.
Why should this be added?:
-Decrease the risk of head on collisions with the opposite side of traffic.
-Lower tickrate means driving vehicles has made them more of a pain which is already causing more accidents in general due to increased input lag.
What negatives could this have?:
-In reality wouldn't solve anything and people would still ram somewhere at the start of the Y lane/zipper merge.
-The breakdown zone is a horrible idea unless we add some necessarry safety measures for people being present in the breakdown zone like a guardrail.
-Skybox/playerclip would need to be moved a bit to make room for the breakdown zone.
-Monorail needs adjustments.
Useful Images:

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