Server Suggestion Firearms level prestige


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Suggestion Title: Firearms level prestige
Suggestion Description: At firearms 125, give you the option to "prestige" - doesn't have to be called that but could be. Each prestige - maybe up to a maximum of 5 or 10 prestiges - could give you 5% faster crafting speeds - up to a maximum of 50% faster.

Levelling firearms while prestiged should be a bit faster - maybe 25% increased experience.

Why should this be added?:
- Gives an increased level of progression for those who are maxed. Would be a very long grind for anyone willing.

- Increases weapon diversity by having more people at lower firearms levels.

- Incentivizes crafting after firearms 125, resulting in ultimately more guns being crafted and more money being taken out of the economy to combat some amount of inflation that has occurred. Everyone at this point has guns anyway or can access them easily, so I don't imagine guns being more readily available being an actualized negative as they will still have a similar price gating.

What negatives could this have?:
- "Esport addition" rewarding people who sweat the game which some people aren't very fond of for whatever reasons they may have

- Feels a bit out-of-place in the landscape of serious roleplay HOWEVER I feel like the firearms progression system already does BUT is necessary to represent mastery of a skill & give progression to the server - this just continues representing mastery of a skill to a higher level.

- Implementation time - however seems relatively easy to implement considering there are already perks which boost crafting speed + resetting the skill shouldn't be too hard to do

What problem would this suggestion solve?: None really, just would be cool

This could also be implemented as the idea of overflow experience & levels just contributing to crafting speed, as I understand that it might not be seen as realistic to completely lose all ability to craft everything. This would obviously have to be much harder to achieve considering the lack of a downside but would be something nice for endgame crafters.
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I defintely think there should be some form of progression after lvl 125 firearms like "firearms expert" level or something better named. I think resetting completely would just put people off from actually prestiging (like myself), making adding the feature not worth the time it would take to implement . I do say though there would need to be a lot of work to progress through the "expert" levels to get to the decreased craft times like maybe some form of "challenge" system where to diversify the guns, they would need to create a X amount of different types of guns and attatchments for example, X amount of Scar L's, X amount of Red dot sight, etc. For your character to become an "expert" at firearms
I defintely think there should be some form of progression after lvl 125 firearms like "firearms expert" level or something better named. I think resetting completely would just put people off from actually prestiging (like myself), making adding the feature not worth the time it would take to implement . I do say though there would need to be a lot of work to progress through the "expert" levels to get to the decreased craft times like maybe some form of "challenge" system where to diversify the guns, they would need to create a X amount of different types of guns and attatchments for example, X amount of Scar L's, X amount of Red dot sight, etc. For your character to become an "expert" at firearms
On top of what scoot says, i think it would work if the prestige would be something like every 5 ish levels you get a little quicker at building guns, or something along them lines
Why stop at firearms level? This is a great idea that we could apply to woodworking, general crafting skill and more grindable skills too. People could also prestige in jobs like RC, fireman and Medic too!
This is a very interesting suggestion, you laid out the pros and the cons perfectly. At first glance, I don't the idea since it takes a bit away from the roleplay having to lose skills to gain skills, an idea which isn't observable IRL and it seems very "gamey" overall.

Nonetheless, I would love to this implemented. It has struck me as bizarre that there are no economies of scale in perp. In fact, the more you produce of an item, the more expensive it seems as the perceived effort is increased; due to the fact us humans liking varied and diversified tasks rather than monotonous work. The whole system rewards small time crafters and makes it harder on crafting organisations like Vault Corp who has a sophisticated distribution system to truly compete on pricing. Helping the big time crafters not through direct financial benefits by lowerering material costs but with lower cost of labour (effort), seems very fair to all crafters. All this prestige system would do is reduced the perceived effort for big crafting orders and wouldn't negatively impact the small crafters since they didn't put that much effort in anyway.

The end result of this would be lower priced crowbars, bandages and other high volume products since it won't be as much of a chore to make them.

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