First Montage

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Parts Unknown
This is my first montage. Lord Tyla inspired me thank you :) and I wish you uploaded again tyla but yeah tyla was in my video ENJOY

the music ruins it, would be enjoyable otherwise

also this isn't a montage 4head
I can feel someone going to be banned because of this prop pushing :booty:
I didnt quite get this montage, please next time if u make something make sure it has a point not just random clips with music over it
Alrighty, this is a little to decent 'montage'. I actually found it funny at some points, the music really kills the vibe and the video as a whole. There isn't really much context behind the clips and it isn't too good in terms of effort, it seems as if you opened up movie maker and threw your recordings and a random song in and left it as it was. I'll give you a bunch of support since you have taken your time to make this and you have taken your time to post this. Thank you.