Server Suggestion Fishing Expansion

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Suggestion Title: Fishing Expansion
Suggestion Description: an outdated suggestion here;
was accepted but put in denied section, made no sense and its super old so im bringing it back up with my own spin.

Make fishing have a skill that levels up the more you do the job to result in higher chances for the payout of your individual fish to be in the favor of the higher part of the range of possible pay.

Add bait to equip on your fishing rod like an attachment before deploying it to fish with it, that way you have a artificially significantly higher chance of better drops for maybe like the 5 next fish you get.

Add Illegal fishing spots where you can catch illegal fish, this is worth given the higher payout dynamic due to the scarcity of this fish and due to the risk of being mugged as these spots are off to the side or being arrested if caught with it.

Legal spots - Beach and City Park

Illegal Spots - Paralake (by hicktown) and Docks,

While illegally fishing, you are not only risking being mugged, but if you are searched by police; then they are legally allowed to seize the fish as they are in violation of a new Law 10.4

Law 10.4 Illegal Fishing

No person shall practice fishing in areas where endangered and or non-native species are known to reside.

Liable up to 2 years in jail and $2,000 ticket.

Legal Fish
Sea Bass
Plaice (Dab)

Illegal fish:
Electric Catfishes
African Tigerfishes
Electric Eels
Piranhas and Pirambebas
Airsac Catfishes
Walking Catfishes
Parasitic Catfishes

Instead of a price being static, I think there should be an RNG to mimic market price fluctuations. Not too complex but not so dumb that it's literally one static price. I never personally fished on PERP so i'll let you guys suggest below what the sale price range should be or if you'd prefer instead if it was just one single static price instead of a dynamic range. Dynamic means any fish sold in the legal category at a skill of 0 would result in a payout of a range of (# - #) number to number. Meanwhile Illegal fish is basically the same except the price is a a considerably higher as a reward for the risk taken. Then the more you fish you get experience and your skill becomes higher making you able to catch fish at a faster rate than at prior levels.

Why should this be added?:
- In Depth fishing expansion
- Never played fishing but i would if it wasn't an afk job lol as im sure many others would
- New law to enforce for police
- Non-violent RP that can open doors to crime and more crime opportunities
- Influences more roleplay in general
- clears up where we stand on if fishing is ever getting reworked or added upon since the prior suggestion was handled very strangely.

What negatives could this have?:
- Might get in the way of the next upcoming Patrol buff update

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Boredom for old players
Fishing expansion would be cool but illegal fishing is really daft imho and the way you described the law there would need to be a Paralake Protected species list added.

I don’t see why docks and hicktown would need to become illegal fishing spots when you’re already at risk from muggings fishing in these areas. As for city park, that would not only be a municipal body of water that’s both man made and virtually devoid of fishable life (as the fish would belong to the city), but it’s not even a fishing spot to begin with.

Illegal fish:
Electric Catfishes
African Tigerfishes
Electric Eels
Piranhas and Pirambebas
Airsac Catfishes
Walking Catfishes
Parasitic Catfishes
I’m in absolute hysterics over some of these fish being suggested to be illegal.

Mussels are widely farmed and available anywhere in the world, as are crabs, and crayfish. A lot of the fish choices in general, such as the African Tigerfish and the Sunfish, would never be anywhere near the waters of Paralake.

Adding far too many fish models to perp won’t do us favours and would clutter fishing too much, especially if there’s going to be illegal fish, thus bringing in too much risk for such a little reward.

I agree with adding some new fish, but complicating things with several hundreds of varieties which need modelling and all virtually do the same thing, as well as adding legal complications via a vaguely worded law (or any law in general) would be stupid.
Fishing expansion would be cool but illegal fishing is really daft imho and the way you described the law there would need to be a Paralake Protected species list added.

I don’t see why docks and hicktown would need to become illegal fishing spots when you’re already at risk from muggings fishing in these areas.
Cause it’s out of public eye? Fishing for illegal fish in public is just plain 3.4

As for city park, that would not only be a municipal body of water that’s both man made and virtually devoid of fishable life (as the fish would belong to the city), but it’s not even a fishing spot to begin with.

I’m in absolute hysterics over some of these fish being suggested to be illegal.

Mussels are widely farmed and available anywhere in the world, as are crabs, and crayfish. A lot of the fish choices in general, such as the African Tigerfish and the Sunfish, would never be anywhere near the waters of Paralake.
the ultra-realism argument is too extra. I also don’t recall getting a straight answer when I asked where Paralake is located. Some said “somewhere in America” but when the constitution got brought up, others said “it’s now where, it’s just a city” that said im don’t mind the selection of what’s legal or illegal being moved around

Most people don’t want an irl sim, they just want mechanics that enhance the enjoyability of the gamemode.

Adding far too many fish models to perp won’t do us favours and would clutter fishing too much, especially if there’s going to be illegal fish, thus bringing in too much risk for such a little reward.
It’s a rough list. Developers are obviously free to pick what they actually want to model.
I agree with adding some new fish, but complicating things with several hundreds of varieties which need modelling and all virtually do the same thing, as well as adding legal complications via a vaguely worded law (or any law in general) would be stupid.
Up to 23 options to choose to model = several hundred?

Then propose a law that’s worded any better if you’re gonna criticize it?

Calling it stupid isn’t constructive criticism.
Cause it’s out of public eye? Fishing for illegal fish in public is just plain 3.4
Why would we want 3.4 to be enforced in a situation as mundane and harmless as fishing to begin with? We don’t control what exactly appears on the rod at the end of the day. You said it yourself, they’re out of the public view and already carry mugging risks. An illegal activity would require you to evade detection to get away with, something you simply can’t do with fishing rods being placed in fishing locations. Players fishing in mugging areas are already putting themselves at risk from muggings as is, I don’t think we should apply further risk of Police action, asset forfeiture and finings over it.

Take magic mushrooms for example. If There are mushrooms down, and someone starts looking for magic mushrooms, they will almost always find magic mushrooms. Someone who does not need to enter a property to find an item that is definitely placed, will often find it eventually. Now, imagine if magic mushrooms could only be grown in places near fishable bodies of water.

Narrow it down further. The areas these plants would need to be placed in, would almost always be in the open, with maybe, one or two spots out of the public eye. Sure, you can’t spot it from a distance, but you could just go to those known concealed spots, and low and behold, you’ve found them.

Illegal fishing as you’ve described would be that exact scenario, with fishing rods instead of mushrooms. It would be near impossible to fish undetected for any period of time where any actual money would be made and a quick illegal buck could be made in countless better ways, that are both more fun, and more sensible for the Game modes play style. In order to fish you need to be there for a long period of time to start making serious bank.

This would be a crime that would only simply require a trip around a very small portion of the map in order to detect. There would be no warrant or police raid needed either, as there’s no properties you can fish from. Illegal fishing would just be virtually nonexistent as a form of income, as the risk doesn’t meet the reward, because you risk being robbed AND Arrested. Cops would be able to enforce this law completely risk free rules wise, and grant them a reason to put an end to a passive, harmless activity at their own volition.

This would just push half of perps fishing base into powergrowing and seal away another method of viable income that hurts no one. Not something we want in the current climate of the gamemode. All crime needs a risk vs reward, and having fishing fall under the criteria of crime is very difficult for me to conceive a valid, sensible and proportionate reward for surviving the crime of fishing outside of my hicktown trailer.

the ultra-realism argument is too extra. I also don’t recall getting a straight answer when I asked where Paralake is located. Some said “somewhere in America” but when the constitution got brought up, others said “it’s now where, it’s just a city” that said im don’t mind the selection of what’s legal or illegal being moved around

Most people don’t want an irl sim, they just want mechanics that enhance the enjoyability of the gamemode.
Having specific species of fish that both would be difficult to model and wouldn’t be something you would realistically fish up doesn’t boil down to “ultra realism” more so maintaining a theme of integrity and adding oddly specific fish not heard of in a western nation is a strain on both development time and server content file size, and it wouldn’t really mean a thing to anyone. Stuff added usually has to be stuff people know in order to be appreciated fully, I don’t think 95% of the playerbase have a use for a fully modelled parasitic catfish. Again, I praised the idea of adding more fish to catch of course, and some of them would be great, but having them exist as illegal entities falls into the realm of both difficult to justify as a gameplay feature and just generally hard to take seriously. It’s just unnecessary silliness.

Another issue I highlighted that I assume you’ve dismissed as ultra realistic is the ability to fish in the city park ponds, which again, just wouldn’t make sense and for that reason does not exist as a current feature.

If we’re going to raise concerns about not wanting certain pedantic details, you did just propose a Paralake protected species act to protect in game food items that are essentially just burger reskins.

Then propose a law that’s worded any better if you’re gonna criticize it?

Calling it stupid isn’t constructive criticism.
I already did, I proposed the complete absence of a law entirely, dismissing it as an unnecessary step as no one would want to follow or enforce it, nor would fishing be an appetising choice for new players if said activity became criminal. The risk vs reward factor for “illegal fishing” would be daft.

How would this be enforced? What would be known about legal vs illegal fish? What about legal fish obtained from illegal areas? How would they be seized? There would need to be an in depth resource on legal vs illegal fish. The point you chose to ignore that I was clearly stating here is this legal repercussions in something like fishing simply isn’t practical.

Up to 23 options to choose to model = several hundred?
Figure of speech of course!

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