Server Suggestion Fix Fists+RMB (grab) mechanic

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sneed's feed & seed

Suggestion Title: Fix Fists+RMB (grab) mechanic
Suggestion Description: Currently, if you turn slightly too fast or make sudden movements whilst in the "grab" mechanic, the item you are grabbing will suddenly fall. I'm not sure if this was an intentional change or not, but it is neither realistic nor fun. In fact, it is extremely frustrating when in reality I could easily grab a ~15lb firearm and take off running with it.

I fail to see how this mechanic in its current state contributes to any sort of gameplay balance issues. Moving drugs and weapons during criminal roleplay is something that is done with haste, in order to prevent unnecessary shootouts and abide by rule 3.4. Currently, you will end up dropping the item you are carrying numerous times, on accident, and unrealistically.

I am suggesting that the mechanic be fixed to no longer randomly cause you to drop what you are carrying, unless you jog, sprint or jump (for balance reasons).

Why should this be added?:
- This should be added as the current state of this mechanic is genuinely just frustrating and unrealistic.

What negatives could this have?:
- I don't see any negatives

What problem would this suggestion solve?: The problem of suddenly and unrealistically dropping the item you are carrying
I swear, the amount of times I drop the goddamn RC hook

Yes please
Very annoying if you play as RC, hooks keep falling out of my hand.

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