
Reaction score
39.007238, 126.281624
It’s a very rare occasion that I decide to write a recommendation, however, one particular person has given me a few reasons to write one for once.

I have been spending some time with @flugs in recent months, and his progress since his last ban has seriously impressed me to the point it is exemplary.

He is extremely friendly and helpful, not only to me but also to the entire rest of the community. At this point, I’ve seen him answering almost all of the help requests in OOC or /help when he’s on the server, and also driving around sweaters showing them the features of the map. His rule knowledge, which he probably still retains from when he used to be a staff member also comes to shine, answering rule unclarities in OOC.

During his patrols, he has shown me, that he is very professional and remains a very cool head if things get heated, both in confrontations but also during dangerous situations.

All things considered; I genuinely believe that he has all the qualities necessary for becoming staff again. Sure, it has been only a few months since his last ban, something that also made me sceptical, however, the consistency of that behaviour since the end of his ban has convinced me otherwise.