Hello good sir's, we are playing a game called 'period of two weeks' battle royal, if you're interested to play in Squads or 50v50 write your names here, if you're not in our super cool Discord called 'Sam Hyde was the shooter' you will gain access to communicate with us in this intense game to become the last team standing.
My Username is LaCreepis (La as in French, not Los Angeles hahahaha yes) so feel free to add me so we can duo or squad up.
Number #1 Rule: never drop in Rusty Depot. Fuck Rusty Depot.
some shit vid
and no I'm not that poo, even got my first win in duo for that 10 second feeling of accomplishment
My Username is LaCreepis (La as in French, not Los Angeles hahahaha yes) so feel free to add me so we can duo or squad up.
Number #1 Rule: never drop in Rusty Depot. Fuck Rusty Depot.
some shit vid