Forum AR

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Adrish, Walker, SleepyMode, Matt, Eviction Notice, Nade Alardin, jimmythehamster, John Doe.
His/Her SteamID: (Is it necessary for forum ARs?)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: According to ,
1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.5.
Getting friends, such as members of Cancer Minus in this case, to rate my posts 'Dumb' continuously without so much as a reason. Keep notice of the consistent names when seeing the posts. Also, some random guy with the Cancer Minus uniform walked in front of me and waved a bag of Salt in my face in what is most likely a response to the profile argument, since I have no IC beef with Cancer Minus. (Got the demo for that if needed.)
The people listed above are the most common names in the evidence.

Evidence (Demo Required): Not sure how to provide a demo in this case but hereyougo. [Someone seems to have deleted this one. Staff, feel free to check logs.] [Same as above.]

Top right, keep it coming.


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I never targeted you in any way and all of the posts were very dumb. Then when you revenge rated me I asked why on your profile. On top of that I am not in cANCER mINUS any more.

I would rate this dumb aswell if I could.
// On phone couldnt comment and I would like to say this.

It is a fucking rating, you are not 10 are you? Then I would understand that it upsets you but it is a goddamn online rating of a post you made. Grow up and get over it, if this makes you upset then you shouldn't be on the internet.
[DOUBLEPOST=1482134543,1482134113][/DOUBLEPOST]// Phone still

Come on man, it is a rating. Just look at it and ask yourself is it really worth making a bigger problem out of it. When I get rated dumb I look at it and tell myself ok and then fuck off. In my opinion this is just very very childish.

Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate
And the playas gonna play play play play

Haters are on the internet even though I am pretty sure @Walker is not one, it's the internet.

I have things to do,
Oh sir! I am so sorry that I hurt your feelings due to me rating your post dumb! I hope I didn't hurt your feelings and ruin your RP experience! I didn't realise how my genuine ratings hurt your feelings, especially over the internet! I hope that I can repay you some how, because I come home from school to enjoy my home life with my friends on the internet, please don't take that away from me :(, in all seriousness and without the satirical language. Its a fuckin rating because your post was dumb. Don't like it? Don't post dumb things.

Tl;dr dont post dumb shit

Edit: almost forgot, you got salty and revenge rated some of our posts, expect an AR!!!! I am sooo angrrryyyyy!! GRRRRR
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