Server Suggestion Free Casino spins as a incentive to play longer

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Suggestion Title: Free Casino spins as a incentive to play longer
Suggestion Description: After the 128 player slot experiment I had this idea come up. It might be stupid but it for sure would keep people from playing a bit longer if they're into a little bit of gamba.

Play on the server for 1 hour and get a free spin at the wheel, VIPs/Premium get 2. You can only do this once per day, this resets after server restart.

Why should this be added?:
-An incentive for people to stay a bit longer, populating the server and getting something in return for doing so.

What negatives could this have?:
-Too many free rewards (Handholding)
-People just AFK somewhere in order to get the free spin. Still a win in my eyes as they get the player count number up.

Optional Addition:
Make the wheel spin cost 6K after 1 hour of session playtime. More gamba.
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I feel like every hour would be OP, maybe every 3 or 4 for VIP and Non-VIP get one every 5 or 6?

But also in the back of my mind, this just screams "Yep, wanna be successful and get more rewards? Buy Premium for better chances."
I feel like every hour would be OP, maybe every 3 or 4 for VIP and Non-VIP get one every 5 or 6?

But also in the back of my mind, this just screams "Yep, wanna be successful and get more rewards? Buy Premium for better chances."
I thought about 2 but of course it's up to the devs to decide, 1 hour is pretty easy to get but it would also encourage more people to stay and play as it requires less time.

Only make it available once a day or it feels like people get too many free rewards.
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I feel like every hour would be OP, maybe every 3 or 4 for VIP and Non-VIP get one every 5 or 6?
I believe he meant once a day, but you get it after an hour of playtime. Not every hour.

Make the wheel spin cost 6K after 1 hour of session playtime.
Not a fan of this though, I don't think playtime should change how much a spin costs as

Good idea however. The only issue (that I can see) with this is the too many free rewards as you've mentioned. Might be worth making it so the odds are weighted differently for this extra spin.
Good idea but none of the less one hour is really short time period. It should be longer like 3h of playtime since a lot of people stay for more than an hour average in server

This also could affect many people being afk just to get spins

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