OOC Name: -=| Nazuki チェン |=-
IC Name: Yasumichi Katayama
Age: 18
Cars: Audi S5 (currently saving up for a P1, or just something better)
Money: 1,500,000$
VIP (Yes or No): Yes
Why do you want to join the org: I want to join the org, mostly because I want a faster and more efficient way of making money, because most of the time I'm solo basing and raiding, due to most of my friends hanging around with other people I don't have very good relations with. Plus I already know Quinten from a previous org, and I want to meet more people, and get to better understand the community, etc. Also, I haven't been involved with an active org in a long time, so I think this will be a good time to start getting back into it.
What are you specialties: Shotguns, most assault rifles, sniping, SMGs, base defending, sometimes raiding (depends).