Server Suggestion Fun Crime

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Suggestion Title: Fun Crime
Suggestion Description: - Criminals should not have to fear for their life if cops are saying hands up at gunpoint and the person who is the criminal hasn't provoked any deadly force

- Police should also not pit until authorized by highest on and when pitting do it safely and ACTUALLY PIT instead of ram into the car playing bumper cars.

- Also add the ability to wear masks or make cops acknowledge the existence of gloves so that if a criminal like myself stabs two people with a machete and disposes of the murder weapon, finishes the victim off so no snitching happens and is wearing gloves so no DNA is collected because I was never bleeding or injured on scene then I shouldn't get DNA reported if I never touched anything physically or had any bodily fluid on scene. Let's say I do get hurt why not make it (as I saw another individual suggest) add bleach to clean that blood instead of leave it there and have to use molotov.

- Masks so that if cops see an individual again without one they can identify him from a face and outfit.

- Allow criminals to have hostages during bank robberies so that cops don't just come expecting a shootout all the time and can have fun chases sometimes. Times where cops won't accept demands is if crims demand cops leave which can't happen. One good way is to have crims ask for free passage and no spikes then when they're out in their car they get chased and PROPERLY pit. This means if crims want to have the old school shootout we all miss and love they can have their buddies on teamspeak or org chat camp at barn for example and drive there then cops are ambushed from all angles and it makes it more fun for them so it's far more tactical. Criminals would only have a few on their team while cops come in waves so this would only issue a long-term shootout which would be extremely fun for everyone.

- Add in a Jennifers jewelry robbery so that jewels can be took and robbed instead of pointless burglar alarms going off at jennifers all the time.

Why should this be added?:
- Longer roleplay scenes that don't end in under 5 minutes
- Better Chases
- More Investigations with concrete proof
- More Thorough and tactical plays being done to escape cops and evade cops by players who clear their traces.

What negatives could this have?:
- People will find it hard adapting to BETTER roleplay and LONGER scenes but if they come here for SERIOUS roleplay they must accept that and want that so by wanting that we must stop "pitting" which is in reality ramming people to walls and shooting cars without deadly force necessary. I already made an IA on this but cops do this too much that it turns into RDM at this point when you have cops shooting unarmed harmless civilians claiming "we're shooting tires" or ramming people into walls and claiming "that's a pit maneuver" or aiming guns at unarmed civilians whom they have NO reason to kill and the citizens know legally the cops can't shoot so if they do get shot realistically that's a lawsuit so no cop would shoot and if a civ runs that's better for roleplay so they can attempt to escape and tazers are deployed.
Suggestion Title: Fun Crime
Suggestion Description: - Criminals should not have to fear for their life if cops are saying hands up at gunpoint and the person who is the criminal hasn't provoked any deadly force

- Police should also not pit until authorized by highest on and when pitting do it safely and ACTUALLY PIT instead of ram into the car playing bumper cars.

- Also add the ability to wear masks or make cops acknowledge the existence of gloves so that if a criminal like myself stabs two people with a machete and disposes of the murder weapon, finishes the victim off so no snitching happens and is wearing gloves so no DNA is collected because I was never bleeding or injured on scene then I shouldn't get DNA reported if I never touched anything physically or had any bodily fluid on scene. Let's say I do get hurt why not make it (as I saw another individual suggest) add bleach to clean that blood instead of leave it there and have to use molotov.

- Masks so that if cops see an individual again without one they can identify him from a face and outfit.

- Allow criminals to have hostages during bank robberies so that cops don't just come expecting a shootout all the time and can have fun chases sometimes. Times where cops won't accept demands is if crims demand cops leave which can't happen. One good way is to have crims ask for free passage and no spikes then when they're out in their car they get chased and PROPERLY pit. This means if crims want to have the old school shootout we all miss and love they can have their buddies on teamspeak or org chat camp at barn for example and drive there then cops are ambushed from all angles and it makes it more fun for them so it's far more tactical. Criminals would only have a few on their team while cops come in waves so this would only issue a long-term shootout which would be extremely fun for everyone.

- Add in a Jennifers jewelry robbery so that jewels can be took and robbed instead of pointless burglar alarms going off at jennifers all the time.

Why should this be added?:
- Longer roleplay scenes that don't end in under 5 minutes
- Better Chases
- More Investigations with concrete proof
- More Thorough and tactical plays being done to escape cops and evade cops by players who clear their traces.

What negatives could this have?:
- People will find it hard adapting to BETTER roleplay and LONGER scenes but if they come here for SERIOUS roleplay they must accept that and want that so by wanting that we must stop "pitting" which is in reality ramming people to walls and shooting cars without deadly force necessary. I already made an IA on this but cops do this too much that it turns into RDM at this point when you have cops shooting unarmed harmless civilians claiming "we're shooting tires" or ramming people into walls and claiming "that's a pit maneuver" or aiming guns at unarmed civilians whom they have NO reason to kill and the citizens know legally the cops can't shoot so if they do get shot realistically that's a lawsuit so no cop would shoot and if a civ runs that's better for roleplay so they can attempt to escape and tazers are deployed.
Its risking life of freedom over a ticket (3.4) no one want to "have fun Chase" Becouse Over max 3.5-4k ticket people are running away. Overall most chases ends after 5-15minutes and there there is 2-5 minutes of jailing suspect so you waste 7-20 minutes with one person becouse they did not wanted a ticket, in the meantime there can be raid hostage situation or bank robbery but you have to play hide and seek with one person over a stupid ticket.
Mate if a high speed chase always has to happen in a fashion that means you escaping a serious crime only like a murder that shows you agree the cops are trigger happy to pull out guns neglecting EVERY. OTHER. TOOL. IN THEIR. POSSESSION. The true roleplayer would separate reality from game and see a ticket as a hit to his wealth (no one likes to lose money realistically and people flee over small citations ALL THE TIME realistically) and the chase lasting 5-15 minutes as you said would be realistic and 2.1 but a jail sentence lasting 2-5 minutes is straight up again neglecting the roleplay aspect of a SERIOUS roleplay server. Generally everybody knows minutes in roleplay terminology is months. My character and no person realistically would never want to get 2-5 years in the context of PerpHead but if I have a fast car and I know I can drive I wouldn't want to lose on my wealth either. Notorious criminals or ballsy characters ingame can make that decision to extend roleplay and give everybody a fun time but maybe you don't enjoy that type of RP then being a criminal getaway or a cop isn't for you and that's your choice do what you want. Everybody roleplays a different character. But you trying to force it down everybody's throat that escaping cops is 3.4 tells me you see eye to eye with me how trigger happy and power hungry these cops are because 3.4 only means your life is at risk of DEATH not freedom. Escaping a traffic stop to avoid conviction whether ticket or not is a criminal's choice.
You escaleted it tho, by backing up u showed that you are trying to run away for no reson other than "have fun chase" And not pay a ticket rather than that it landed you in jail. Did you had any other resons to run? If so why did you stopped at first place?
you just said I escalated for no reason then followed up with "not pay a ticket". Pick one or the other brother I do have a reason. Omar (My character) pulled over and /me hands officer ID of SpongeBob Squarepants. It's my signature move my character does I always pull over and troll the cops a lil before giving them a crazy fun chase and these cops just wanted to win not to even roleplay. Roleplay isn't black and white and every character does it differently what matters is you understand this.
On video it is clear they gp you. Even if not and you don't see the gun you need to belive it since as written you don't see it and you are not 100% sure if they gp you or not. If you are gp someone without a gun its you but officers WILL gunpoint you with a firearm or taser.
For the sake of the argument you can't prove or disprove I noticed or didn't notice but let's say I did, Will a cop shoot me for reversing when EVERYONE in the area is in front of my car realistically? No. Does that mean I am in danger? No. Is 3.4 still a issue? Yes but at the end of the day a person fleeing can be Tazed, Batter rammed, batoned, cuffed, chased on foot and by car. They had 0 reason to pull guns out yet they still did so why in the world would I assume my life is in danger if I am attempting to flee. If a cop stands in front of a active car and says "well I shot your because you were trying to flee" (3.4 because why would you stand in front of a moving car) and also "you tried to ram me" when my car is disabled rolling towards him completely out of my control. THEN he charges me with physical assault because you SEE clearly my vehicle disabled and it's somehow my fault he stood in front of it instead of beside it I pray to GOD you understand why it's frustrating to play this game and try to give everybody a good time when a cop who's high in rank like this can't wait to open fire.
Still over a ticket from my belief so that was no reson to do so.
If you feel that officer overused thier powers make IA.
Officers have tazers, batons, batter rams, cuffs and a stock of squad cruisers and units on deck. Yet they resorted to mag dumping a car trying to flee harmlessly. No reason? Where's the reason to pulling guns out in the first place when no deadly force is even possible. You literally watched as your friend or you spammed the batter ram at my car to instantly kick me out instead of roleplaying anything and just gun pointed me instantly for trying to harmlessly flee. That's not an IA issue anymore that's a Power game issue and gunpointing people to force them to surrender and water down roleplay would also count as powergame. Let roleplay flow organically, If I flee then chase me. don't just cut it off and abuse your power then deal with it later in an IA argument because you can. Let's actually have fun,
I mean what else we are have to do? Watch you escape? Shooting at tires are best for faster vehicles with higher acceleration after starting the engine. Imo officer shooted at tires becouse you already tried go back to your vehicle ealier (1st clip)
Brother in what world do cops shoot cars that are trying to flee off the bat. What are you supposed to do? Don't shoot first as a COP and initiate deadly force on a person backing up in the direction where NOBODY can be harmed. Get in your cruiser and chase? Use your equipment not a gun 24/7? If all you know to do is shoot maybe roleplay isn't your strong suit but try realizing who you are. You are a cop not a criminal, you abide by a policy that you clearly don't realize exists if all you can think of when a guy tries to harmlessly flee is to magdump him and claim "I shot tires" because last time I checked shooting tires doesn't exist in gmod nor does it FULLY disable a vehicle. Vehicles can still drive with popped tires.
I have never been pited as you describe or pitted anyone like that nor even seen that someone was just being rammed rather than pitted.
"If I didn't see it, It didn't happen" ok karen
Yes we have a "magic tool" Called DNA Scanner but it only applies officer with high rank or with a medic without them we litearlly cannot take DNA therefor there is no point of mask since you can always change clothing or name.
Actually roleplay. You don't seem to understand how a DNA Scanner works so let me explain. If I walk to Subject A and shoot him 2 times in the head, BOOM dead. I have gloves on and I never was hurt. The DNA isn't mine, but it still tells you or medics EXACTLY who killed him and shot him. That's nowhere near realistic that's fully sci-fi fiction. No matter which way you cut it that's not roleplay that's a lazy feature that excuses cops like you who dread the thought of actually tracking down a criminal instead of just killing them instantly or ruleplaying 3.4 brother. I'm sorry to say that it's really a shame... I want this to come off as educational as possible because I'm no where near the first criminal to complain about just a few things like this and nowhere near biased because I come from both angles where I literally play Cop mostly and see the issues.
I still see no point of doing all this. (Smart) Criminals don't just go to bank and try to rob it they have plans where to escape to wich vehicle where to hide in bank etc.
How are they gonna get out if cops are just gonna gunpoint them instantly and or batter ram spam them out of their car? this is where your argument actually contradicts itself head-on. If you want criminals to have plans of escape you have to allow them to use manuevers or tactics of escape like a hostage in a fair way as I described above. Or even be open to a chase at all instead of gunpointing instantly.
Then why did they brake laws? There for no ticket would be given, its absurd to letting people pass rule 3.4 for some crappy chases and its not a fun roleplay for both sides only for Criminal becouse he is above server rule.
The ticket would be given for whatever traffic infraction they did so that's incorrect. Secondly 3.4 is there to make it fun and realistic. Cops gun pointing a guy fleeing on foot with no deadly intent shown yet just resisting and fleeing then crying 3.4 because the cops themselves violated deadly force policy is 100% hypocritical. It's absurd, it's abuse of power and if you truly wanted to keep your guns out and not intend on using it on a harmless resisting criminal go ahead but don't claim you're an active threat he should fear because your job is not to shoot until you notice a threat then you become a threat back. Cops don't shoot first until their life or the public's life is at risk.
Treath to a Public is also reckless driving so you techniclly can be gp for that but never seen it. In every chase end police gunpoint suspect so he can't run away any further if he does we only use baton or a taser there is no lethal weapon used unless suspect would take one out too.
I don't disagree with you in that, YES, please use your equipment. UTILIZE non-lethal. If a suspect is wrecklessly driving then stop him and if he doesn't comply arrest him non-lethally. HAVE Your guns prepared but aiming it at the guy and "HANDS UP HAND UP" for harmlessly evading is a violating policy and doing it carelessly and teaching every officer that's the way to go not only ruins roleplay and makes you look like you just want to win not to roleplay but also makes a LOT of criminals hate you outside of roleplay because they think you're a shitty cop and a shitty roleplayer, the purpose is to keep it as realistic as possible but both sides have to have fun. That's the harsh truth that not only I succumb to but the truth I promise I saw many other criminals who are veterans of this community say as well as new sweaters say. That cops are airheads that just want to gunpoint you and chase Ws only. They agree and I'll never have the ability to fix that problem if the higher staff and higher command in PD just let the truth fall on deaf ears and act like it's not a problem.
This is my last comment for this treath and please next time read everything.
The true roleplayer would separate reality from game and see a ticket as a hit to his wealth (no one likes to lose money realistically and people flee over small citations ALL THE TIME realistically)
Ok but this is a game not reallity not everything from reality will be placed in game.
and the chase lasting 5-15 minutes as you said would be realistic and 2.1 but a jail sentence lasting 2-5 minutes is straight up again neglecting the roleplay aspect of a SERIOUS roleplay server.
I said "[...] there is 2-5 minutes of jailing suspect so you waste 7-20 minutes with one person becouse they did not wanted a ticket[...]" I just sumerize wasting peoples time.
I also been in "serious roleplay servers" on fivem and guess what? Most of them forbid running over a simple ticket too! Crazy.
Generally everybody knows minutes in roleplay terminology is months. My character and no person realistically would never want to get 2-5 years in the context of PerpHead but if I have a fast car and I know I can drive I wouldn't want to lose on my wealth either. Notorious criminals or ballsy characters ingame can make that decision to extend roleplay and give everybody a fun time but maybe you don't enjoy that type of RP then being a criminal getaway or a cop isn't for you and that's your choice do what you want. Everybody roleplays a different character.
So here you just admitted you are annoying troll.
But you trying to force it down everybody's throat that escaping cops is 3.4 tells me you see eye to eye with me how trigger happy and power hungry these cops are because 3.4 only means your life is at risk of DEATH not freedom. Escaping a traffic stop to avoid conviction whether ticket or not is a criminal's choice.
Really go on f1 rules and search 3.4 in game to see how wrong you are.
you just said I escalated for no reason then followed up with "not pay a ticket". Pick one or the other brother I do have a reason. Omar (My character) pulled over and /me hands officer ID of SpongeBob Squarepants. It's my signature move my character does I always pull over and troll the cops a lil before giving them a crazy fun chase and these cops just wanted to win not to even roleplay. Roleplay isn't black and white and every character does it differently what matters is you understand this.

For the sake of the argument you can't prove or disprove I noticed or didn't notice but let's say I did, Will a cop shoot me for reversing when EVERYONE in the area is in front of my car realistically? No. Does that mean I am in danger? No. Is 3.4 still a issue? Yes but at the end of the day a person fleeing can be Tazed, Batter rammed, batoned, cuffed, chased on foot and by car. They had 0 reason to pull guns out yet they still did so why in the world would I assume my life is in danger if I am attempting to flee. If a cop stands in front of a active car and says "well I shot your because you were trying to flee" (3.4 because why would you stand in front of a moving car) and also "you tried to ram me" when my car is disabled rolling towards him completely out of my control. THEN he charges me with physical assault because you SEE clearly my vehicle disabled and it's somehow my fault he stood in front of it instead of beside it I pray to GOD you understand why it's frustrating to play this game and try to give everybody a good time when a cop who's high in rank like this can't wait to open fire.
You can't say for them what they want or not some officers prefer peacfull event some only shootouts. And like I said ealier Make IA and stop trying to change whole servers rules on your favor becouse your trolling got you in that situation and you got jailed.
Officers have tazers, batons, batter rams, cuffs and a stock of squad cruisers and units on deck.
Not every officer have a taser he need to firstly pass an exams on it. But still only 2 items above can be used to get you out of a car, battering ram and gun.
Yet they resorted to mag dumping a car trying to flee harmlessly. No reason? Where's the reason to pulling guns out in the first place when no deadly force is even possible.
Stop crying make IA.
You literally watched as your friend or you spammed the batter ram at my car to instantly kick me out instead of roleplaying anything and just gun pointed me instantly for trying to harmlessly flee. That's not an IA issue anymore that's a Power game issue and gunpointing people to force them to surrender and water down roleplay would also count as powergame.
I watched clips I wasn't even on duty or even server when this happened.
Let roleplay flow organically, If I flee then chase me. don't just cut it off and abuse your power then deal with it later in an IA argument because you can. Let's actually have fun,

Brother in what world do cops shoot cars that are trying to flee off the bat. What are you supposed to do? Don't shoot first as a COP and initiate deadly force on a person backing up in the direction where NOBODY can be harmed. Get in your cruiser and chase? Use your equipment not a gun 24/7? If all you know to do is shoot maybe roleplay isn't your strong suit but try realizing who you are. You are a cop not a criminal, you abide by a policy that you clearly don't realize exists if all you can think of when a guy tries to harmlessly flee is to magdump him and claim "I shot tires" because last time I checked shooting tires doesn't exist in gmod nor does it FULLY disable a vehicle. Vehicles can still drive with popped tires.
Where I said gun is the only option? Did you even read what I wrote?
"If I didn't see it, It didn't happen" ok karen
So I m a karen becouse for over 10 months of my playing here I did not notice seen or felt that pitting me was incorrect? Bruh
You have been similar time in here and yet ypu still don't understand how Diffrent is roleplay in diffrent games (gmod vs fivem) you don't understand that you are just a troll if all you do with cops is making stupid resons to chase you becouse for you its fun. You don't belive in rules therefor you are breaking them.
Actually roleplay. You don't seem to understand how a DNA Scanner works so let me explain. If I walk to Subject A and shoot him 2 times in the head, BOOM dead. I have gloves on and I never was hurt. The DNA isn't mine, but it still tells you or medics EXACTLY who killed him and shot him. That's nowhere near realistic that's fully sci-fi fiction.
I know how it works I even used it :) Remember tho that like I said its one and only tool that helps officers get any information who was a killer and that its only avaible when paramedic or sergant is on duty, without them its near impossible to know who is a killer unless you (as officer) witness it.
No matter which way you cut it that's not roleplay that's a lazy feature that excuses cops like you who dread the thought of actually tracking down a criminal instead of just killing them instantly or ruleplaying 3.4 brother. I'm sorry to say that it's really a shame... I want this to come off as educational as possible because I'm no where near the first criminal to complain about just a few things like this and nowhere near biased because I come from both angles where I literally play Cop mostly and see the issues.
Okey mister great change tell me what you would like to have rather than dna scanner to quickly track down crims how we are even able to find who is a killer without dna scanner if there is a dead body in the middle of a bazzar and noone will say a word what had happened.
How are they gonna get out if cops are just gonna gunpoint them instantly and or batter ram spam them out of their car? this is where your argument actually contradicts itself head-on. If you want criminals to have plans of escape you have to allow them to use manuevers or tactics of escape like a hostage in a fair way as I described above. Or even be open to a chase at all instead of gunpointing instantly.
So you are saying that a person who for example killed 3 cops and robbed a bank need to escape free and you can't shoot at him in the meantime? Wow.. Just wow.. How delusional...
Also you are inplementing ending that chase ended due to a road block or something but chase happened some tactic or plan had just failed I don't see a reson why u mad for crims getting gunpointed.

I m not going to even comment the last part becouse you agree with me even tho the whole time you dissagreed.
Like I said at the start this is mt last message about this.

You just showed that you are a copbaiter and a troll by telling that you are just here to get pull over give fake id and run away becouse its so fun to being chased.
You have long history of being in a server (at least from bans perspective) yet you don't get the most important rules therefor I don't see any reson anymore to fight you in ths comments I tried explaining but you seem not to care about it.
Gloves, great idea

Police and pits? Depends on the agency. A RAM and a PIT are completely different. RAM is when you're attempting to disable the vehicle utilizing deadly force aka guns, forced collisions ect. PIT is done at speeds that will most likely not cause great bodily injury or death (lower speeds). It'll have to be a policy change which you'll have to bring up in discussion with the Chief, or Deputy Chief.
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