Server Suggestion Genetic Additions

Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Suggestion Title: Genetic Additions
Suggestion Description: Please discuss and add your own ideas for balancing. Words in cursive red are possibly imba and should be considered thoroughly before implementing.

Just some genetic additions I could think off to make them more interesting as there are 2 that currently do not offer any benefits besides needing them for crafting.

Regeneration - HP Regeneration kicks in a little bit quicker and you gain a bit more Hunger/Thirst back from eating Food and Drink items (Not more Stamina!) Painkillers become more effective, but not stimpacks. Delays the crippled status from kicking in by 1 second with every level once you become crippled (Think of adrenaline).

Perception - Should offer a reduction of different visual effects caused (for example) by blunt damage (night stick, melee weapons or tazers), auditory (flashbangs), visual (flashbangs, amount of blood in your screen when low on health, drugs) or anything similar that reduces your perception.

(If a reduction in effects is not possible then a reduction of how long you're affected by the effect would be a good compromise)

Intelligence - Decreases the chance of a bobby pin/crowbar breaking with every level of Intelligence. Decrease in crafting time (albeit only small). Small chance (about 1 in 4 every harvest/25%) to get 5% extra seeds when harvesting drugs that would give you seeds per 1 Lvl up to a maximum of 25% extra.

Strength - Increased push force when right clicking players. Higher chance to cripple players when attacking them with a blunt melee weapon, higher/faster bleeding rate when attacking players with a sharp weapon.

Influence - Increases sale value of certain items (like fish) to NPC vendors. Also increases the chance of fishing rarer fish (like Salmon, rare fish investment grindset) or getting access to more interesting catches that are objects other than junk. Small paycheck bonus when completing job related activities (Confiscating illegal items, putting out fires...).

Dexterity - Faster de/-equip time for items and faster execution of "timebar actions" (except for fuelling your car lol). Higher dexterity level decreases the chance of getting crippled (along with the current benefit of reduced fall damage) when falling from great heights. Small stamina consumption decrease per level for movement actions (Thinking of 3% per 1 Lvl up to a maximum of 15% decrease in consumption).

Why should this be added?:
-Rebalancing to make some genetics more interesting and viable option to choose from instead of making them relevant for crafting.

What negatives could this have?:
-Possible imbalance, I've marked imba ideas in cursive red. Please add your own ideas.
-Might be too impactful, would be best to make them only slightly noticable and not a huge gameplay changer.

Edit: Wording.

Edit 2: Added an idea (red) for Influence.

Edit 3: Added an idea for Regeneration.

Edit 4: Added another idea (red) for Regeneration (Adrenaline).

Edit 5: Added a idea (red) for Dexterity and moved red idea from Intelligence to Influence to bundle it with the extra XP we already get. Added another red idea for Intelligence in return (Chance to get bonus seeds).
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perception perks could maybe be sm like reduced visual aim wobble while moving or quicker ADS animation for better target acquisition so they wouldn't be the weakest. with these changes i'd def go for strength first just cos it gives concrete benefits for gameplay, perception last for the opposite reason
intelligence should also speedup process of growing drugs, lets say as u used some fertilizer or stuff on the planter
Influence could get you +1 vote per gene in Mayor elections?
I feel like that's a bit op, there are often times where votes are like equal, if everyone spams influence to get their friend to win I think it'll be annoying but idk
This is one of the best suggestions i've ever seen,
i am supporting this 100%.


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