GENSEC Security Industries™

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Sheffield, United Kingdom
GENSEC in the World
Welcome to GENSEC Security Industries™. We service a wide range of customers in a variety of industries and customer segments. We employ more than 200,000 people in 30 markets in North America.
This is our new site. We will continue to update it with both new and old reports.
Corporate security systems
Protect your business with GENSEC
GENSEC is able to deliver a wide array of physical security solutions and systems that you will be able to use your control system with relative ease.

GENSEC bases its knowledge on hundreds of thousands of real life situations that have been handled by the GENSEC security staff. Using that knowledge along with our specially crafted methodology, GENSEC delivers the best* site security through constant awareness and early detection, using the maximum allowance of security cameras in public areas.
*Based on research completed by scientists with doubtful resumes.

What? GENSEC is evolving!

Rival security providers have stood and fell during the test of time. Technologies have evolved. Security staff has gotten smarter. Levels have been gained. Security outfits have become better looking. Being a career criminal has gotten harder.

GENSEC manages to cope with these changes and many more. The GENSEC challenge is to offer you all the protection you need.

Don't trust anyone

Anyone could be a criminal, are you sure you want to take that risk?

Are you sure four criminals aren’t planning to heist you right now? Are all defences up and running? Is the safe big enough? Can you live with the thought of having everything being stolen from you? If not, let us help you by suggesting these great solutions.

Also, if you are looking for that extra level of protection, we can offer you our latest security measure – the GENSEC Fast Tactical Special Unit Task Force™. Ask your local GENSEC representative for more information.

Our standards
This list reflects our own Code of Conduct, that we updated in 2015 and 2016 because of the sudden rise of criminal activity.

The standards cover a large range of ethical and social challenges, such as:

  • Ensuring that working hours comply with local laws
  • Not offer, pay or accept bribes
  • Respect the right to bear arms, even though that individual looks suspicious and is carrying bags of ammunition and medic supplies whilst trying to hide a mask
  • Support equal opportunities in the workplace
  • Better maintain our security footage
We ask our security staff to think and act according to them on a daily basis. To help them, we have developed the GENSEC Code of Conduct.

This Code is intended to provide our security staff with a clear overview of their obligations. In the end, it helps all GENSEC employees to perform their jobs in accordance with the Code of Conduct and our other standards.

All this reflects on what GENSEC represents and what every employee aims to be. We are counting on every GENSEC security staff employee to take a bullet for the company when the going gets rough.

Going forward
Last but not least, 2016 is looking to be a great year for our organization as we move to a brave new frontier: Paralake City.

Where can I sign up?
We're now taking applicants from all over the world as we move our company into Paralake City, as this will leave us short staffed in our other locations. If you would like to apply to join our company, please send your application here.

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day with GENSEC.
Please bare in mind this has taken heavy inspiration from the fan website GENSEC and Payday 2.


GENSEC Security Industries 02/05/2016
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GENSEC Security Industries 02/05/2016​

We are glad to inform everyone that GENSEC has had a good first day so far within Paralake. Alot of citizens have been asking questions about the company and our services, and some have even considered our security for future use.


We're also introducing a new uniform into the company, as seen below. This will help others pick us out from a crowd, so if you need any services, just look out for these staff wearing a red formal shirt, black formal pants and polished black shoes. The CEO and other board members will also be wearing Aviators.


May we also remind citizens that are currently unemployed, we're hiring experienced and hard-working staff in places of:
Sales Representatives
General Security

So if you think one of these places would suit your style of work, please apply at our email [email protected] today and secure your future with GENSEC.

GENSEC - "Stay Safe, Stay Out™."
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Due to recent business talks with a newly-rising weapon-crafting organisation about possibly integrating
their interests with our efforts to keep the citizens of this world safe from the threat of crime, we are
returning to Paralake after a certain hold up within Washington.

The generous owners of Smith And Cook Gunsmiths™ (@Exrobite) have made it their duty to supply our branch
within Paralake in an effort to help keep the city safe from the high rise in organised crime.


We also require new employees to fill the roles of:

General Security Personnel

This is the main selling point of GenSec Security Industries™. You will be our front-line
in preventing our clients from being robbed blind of their hard earned property.
You will also be the face of our company, so discipline and professionalism is key.

Advertisement & Marketing

You will be tasked with advertising and marketing the company. This could include
pitching ideas in board meetings, recommending our services to other companies
and creating advertisements and public announcements to let the people know of our duties.

Internal Affairs Department

This department is tasked with dealing with any complaints or worries our clients or other employees
may have about certain individuals actions. You will be required to go through evidence and reports
to come to a conclusion on what action should be taken from these complaints or worries.

Business Relations

This is simply used for securing deals with other companies, i.e weapon deals, security services or investment.
You will be required to be charismatic, easy to work with and have a basic understanding of logic.

If you are interested, please apply here.

Thank you for taking your time in reading this announcement, and we are very excited
in continuing our unfinished work within Paralake.


as of a notice we have incountered multible attacks on your GENSEC transport trucks, are you aware of the gang called
"Payday Gang"

(payday 2 gang)

Anyways i'm not here to start a war but do you mind giving some infomation about the "Gang", as of right now these guys have nothing on them no finger prints they use gloves of cause. As i have noticed your GENSEC Elite units are stil failing to stop these crimes going on, when your attacked. I'm saying that the police is better then GENSEC or even the army. These guys still escapes somehow, and i have looked into one of your resports and one of them is a bit dramatic.

They blocked the transport in and they rammed the amored truck so it fell down into a "slaughterhouse". The driver and passenger got killed on scene, and the heisters took out 10 of our guys. They also destroyed a police turret in SECOUNDS! They broke into an undrilleble safe, and stole all the gold. They made an escape by the containers according to the FBI

Thank you in regards that you did stop them sometimes

-Cpl. John C-Garand Paralake Police Department​
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Dear all,

On behalf of the Accounting and Marketing team here at GenSec™, we are dedicated to making your experience better. This year's upcoming festivities yield some exciting and money saving offers which will keep your family safe this Christmas.

The Premium security package, which contained top-level security measures including a Fast Tactical Response Team, has been lowered to an amazing $4999, half of what the original price was! Purchase now at your local GenSec store.


New ranks have been introduced into GenSec! These include but are not limited to:

Head of Accounting and Marketing
Internal Affairs Command
Supervisory Security Personel
Thank you for reading, and have a very merry Christmas,
Benjamin Saltmarsh - Accounting and Market

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#Payday2 Rip off.
For the people who don't know who GENSEC is. Its a company I robed more than a 1000 times while playing Paday 2. I hope you are gonna do a better job in Paralake.
/me puts on a clown mask.
/me takes keycard.

Do you remember me?
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