Police Suggestion Give RTU SO+ and Patrol Sergeants+ the ability to give tickets via Police Computer

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39.007238, 126.281624
Brief description of idea:
Add the option for RTU SOs+ and Sergeants+ to give people tickets via police computer.

Let's say someone made an advert where they were very offensive towards the mayor or gave them literal death threats. At this moment, in order to give them a ticket for said offence, you would need to go the same length in terms of finding him as he would be out for arrest.
The same goes for simple speeding violations. Imagine if real-life cops would have to find everyone who was caught by a stationary speed trap, just to give them a small fine.

With this addition, RTU can focus on more important work, instead of doing manhunts for traffic offenders whose identity has already been confirmed.

However, it is important to give this tool to someone (equal to the warranting tool), as this tool would have a high potential to be used inappropriately.

In case you might fear, that there won't be any traffic stops anymore, you will be wrong. The identity of (traffic) offenders would still be needed to be confirmed, and in general, the identity of any kind of law violators first needs to be confirmed without a doubt.

This tool will just bring us to the equivalent of what is the norm in real life.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
  • May cause a higher frequency of traffic-related tickets, which would be likely to lead to more responsible driving within the city
  • No more manhunts just for giving someone a ticket
  • PLPD is more available for more important incidents

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
  • Lack of work finding the true identity of traffic violators could lead to more tickets being given to the wrong person (as people could falsely give a ticket to the car owner, not the traffic violator)
  • Citizens won't be able to flee tickets anymore (given their identity is already confirmed)
  • Could generally be misused
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I think this is a great idea. One way to prevent abuse is that RTU SO+ would be able to only ticket people with Section 12 (via a drop down menu and select the coresponding fine). And if they are Seargeant+ they could just fill it like you do with normal fines via the ticket book.

Edit. As the SO+ would only be able to ticket for Section 12 the ticket amount slider would be between $100 - $3500
minus support.

will be used to snipe people with tickets across the maps and would be particularly unfair in certain specific situations where a vehicle may be required. the current system of warranting them and having them be physically ticketed is a far more fairer system on the basis that it isn't essentially overpowered.
Ruins the entire purpose of a pursuit when you’ll have some RTU using their camera 24/7 giving out tickets

Why would you limit the rank for patrol to sergeant? That's the only spec of retardedness in this post. Apart from that I like the idea
Citizens won't be able to flee tickets anymore (given their identity is already confirmed)
Pretty sure you can't flee for tickets anyway.

The idea seems silly to me, how would it make sense to give bluetooth tickets? It would make the ticket book more or less redundant, and it sounds like it would be taken advantage of.

You escape from cops after commiting a crime? Nope - fat magical ticket appeared in your pocket. Then you'll go to jail & receive another ticket when caught again.
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I think the idea is cool and all but you getting tickets via a police computer with no interaction or justification from an Officer is where most people will be confused and annoyed. Ticketing should stay as it is so there can be actual role play behind giving out punishments and the offenders will also be able to ask questions as well as call a supervisor if needed
This removes incentives of actually finding and charging people which is just about 80% of the cop job. As much as I’d like to fortnite airdrop a ticket on @MILKY for fun it just isn’t practical for the game mode.

Unfortunately while I appreciate the principles behind the suggestion, as others have alluded to it is not a practical nor helpful implementation for the gamemode. We want LEOs to be interacting with those they charge as much as possible. I understand that for repeat offences it can become a bit jarring having to go pursue/hunt them down again but ultimately that is what you sign up for as a Traffic Officer.
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