Give staff the ability to put out emergency lights (or lights in general)

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Description of the idea: Give staff the ability to put out emergency lights (or lights in general)
Everyone hates the flashy lights especially when there are a lot of them in a spot concentrated, to ensure a better fps, staff can fly around and disable the lights to save some fps for players with just less fortunate situation of having a less than beast pc to run the game.

Why should this be added? (pros): Less lag when 10 police cruisers with dead cops are around, staff can disable the lights to ensure better fps for all parties

What negatives could this have? (cons): Staff putting off wrong lights (roadblock)

Other additions: Suggestions are welcome

Images: *Draws new staff command button with toggle emergency lights*
If you say police lights dont cause lag for you, you are lying.

Give this to helpers maybe?
For the love of fucking god lets stop trying to come out with workarounds for this and just allow people to disable them clientside?
I agree with @BigBenji, if people are really that bothered about people using emergency lights then just add an option to disable them clientside.
Cops have a thing called sirens that are kinda loud and offer 2 simultaneous sound effects as well as a quick sharp honk and beep sound they can just use.
@BigBenji Not everybody responds to incidents with sirens on, they can be annoying when in a car chase for 15 minutes
@Inchs Well then your argument is moot because I don't think cops can chase you for 15 minutes without you knowing you're being chased.
May be just have it so when the officer is out the car. It automatically turns the lights off. The only reason for even keeping these shitty laggy lights is so you know when you're being pulled over. Don't see the point in allowing them to be on if the officer isn't in the car and you can tell if there is a shootout by the sound of shots or by the perimeter that should be set up (if officers even do that anymore)
To end the permiter debate, allow special yellow siren lights that blink(BLINK, not give you epelepsy like the RC) when stationary. My countries police cars have that when you have your blue lights on while stationary they are yellow.
Is there no way lights can be optimised better? I play on other servers where each emergency vehicle has countless different emergency lights yet they don't affect my FPS whatsoever.
When a cop car is idle for a while the lights should turn off, IT should be pretty obvious when there is a situation ongoing