Giveaway by daddy.

Reaction score
Hello, my name is Trande *tips fedora*

Anyway, humble monthly rips me off, so I have a million keys of games I'd never fucking touch.
So, I'm going to be a good lefty and give them away for free.

I'll raffle for every single game, so everyone gets a pretty decent chance.



GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition


Super Rude Bear Resurrection

This is the Police
(only officers of the PLPD get the chance here)

The Turing Test

Black Mesa

Kingdom: New Lands Royal Edition

Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition



Flat Heroes


One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
(only people with an autism lvl of 6,7 can apply)

Poly Bridge




Social security number(optional):

I want:


Autism lvl:

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes/No/Proletarian Revolution

I have an appointment later today. So let's say you can apply till 9 pm gmt+2.

Name: ITZ RYZO!!


Social security number(optional): I DONT HAVE ONE AMERICA SUCKS and am i child

I want: This is the police

Why: am curretly a cpl in plpd and i think a playthrough of this game will get me promoted to sgt

Autism lvl: really fucking high

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: was already going to but sure
Name: Allen

Steam_Id: wits that

Social security number(optional): idk

I want: this is the police

Why: I am like police things

Autism lvl: you can probably guess

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes

Also why r u doing this xd
Name: MrAaron


Social security number(optional): 69imafatvirgin

I want: Anything so :

GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition


Super Rude Bear Resurrection

This is the Police
(only officers of the PLPD get the chance here)

The Turing Test

Black Mesa

Kingdom: New Lands Royal Edition

Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition



Flat Heroes


One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
(only people with an autism lvl of 6,7 can apply)

Poly Bridge


Why: Known you long time

Autism lvl: 2013 whatsapp level

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes
Name: rogue matiz tyres

Steam_Id: STEAM_0:1:41882636

Social security number(optional): I'm not american

I want: poly bridge

Why: i like bridges with the word poly in it

Autism lvl: fidget spinner

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn Yes/No/Proletarian Revolution: yes
Name: YoloMuffin


Social security number(optional):

I want: stellaris

Why: space Reich

Autism lvl: higher than the street

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: sure
Last edited:
Name: Sonzys

Steam_Id: STEAM_0:1:95568228

Social security number(optional): 5341646958441568494341641463.58496

I want: All

Why: Why not

Autism lvl: 0

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: No, i'll never vote anything except Nigel Ferage.


Social security number(optional):

I wan poly bridg and blak mesa

Why:cus why not

Autism lvl:

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: sure

i dar u rate bad spelling
Name: jims

Steam_Id: y tho

Social security number(optional): i dont havve one because im not a hamburger

I want: black mesa

Why: dont have it

Autism lvl: i get offended by jokes that are not targetted at me

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: my vote is pledged to the scottish socialist party
Name: tomhillm8

I want: all of the games

Why: Vote Leave @Duffy

Autism lvl: supporting communism unironically

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: vote for Tresemme
Name: felix

Steam_Id: STEAM_0:1:67166315

Social security number(optional): no

I want: One Piece Pirate Warriors 3

Why: im a weeb and like one piece

Autism lvl: over 9000

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes
Name:SC3 Gazzy Gaming


Social security number(optional):Not going to say ahahah

I want:This Is The Police

Why:I have hardly anything to play right now as im banned and i want something with police in and very fun and enjoyable.^ this would make a great addition to my games.

Autism lvl:68686868686868686886868668686868686868686868686886866

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes
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Name: Generic Twat

Steam_Id: STEAM_0:0:103741555

Social security number(optional): Im off the grid atm

I want: Black Mesa

Why: Because its the incarnation of HL3 and because we are from the balcans so y not

Autism lvl: over 9000

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes
Last edited:
Name: Tyla

Steam_Id: STEAM_0:0:56687120

Social security number(optional): sry dude¬

I want: stellaris

Why: rts games are very cool, my favourite is:

Autism lvl: relatively low/ 12

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes /No/Proletarian Revolution
Name: Arron/Faith


Social security number(optional):
I don't do optional things.

I want:
Poly bridge

As read below I was diagnosed with autism so I think with this I will be able to make unique bridges.

Autism lvl:
When I was in high school I was diagnosed with autism so I guess high.

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn:
Name: icekiller_99


Social security number(optional):

I want: black mesa

Why: because i want 2 play

Autism lvl: yes

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes
Name: danny

Steam_Id: STEAM_0:1:59679927

Social security number(optional): im too special for one of those

I want: Stellaris, Poly Bridge or Black Mesa

Why: Always looking for good single player games to get into and I would actually like to try either of them out.

Autism lvl: I named myself after a gay porn star

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: my answer is 12
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Name: Kermit_The_Thug

Steam_Id: STEAM_0:0:45183720

Social security number(optional): I have no social security

I want: Stellaris

Why: Because this is my Make-a-wish dream

Autism lvl: I bought 5 fidget spinners to cure me so hopefully it is going down

I pledge to vote Jeremy Corbyn: Yes