Good tactic, Bad execution.

You honestly don't understand how pissed I was, simple things Chris said, just went out the window "Don't stop moving" gets to door, everyone stops. "Go alternate direction" everyone after the first 2 stood in the door way "hug the wall" didn't happen at all, if people used there brains, and listened to Chris, this shit wouldn't have happened, maybe 1 or 2 would have died, not the police force, doesn't help when people block you in either so you can't move, making you the easiest target to hit ever.
GG, I'm that guy you can see shooting you lol.
It would have been easy to spray you down if you didn't wallbang 2/3 guys after we said we have a hostage.
tfw the guy in the back has to lead the rush in because nobody knows what to do