Goodbye, PERPheads

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London, United Kingdom
Hello everyone.

After over 2 years playing and near enough 2 years on the forums, it's finally time for me to depart. I've seen the community grow right from the start and even contributed in tiny amounts to its development. The work and dedication that has been placed into this game mode and community is phenomenal and so are the people in it. I have finally hit a point in my life where I need to buckle down and focus on my future. I also unfortunately don't find PERPheads enjoyable any more - it isn't what it used to be. I hope to see some of you around on Steam, I'll be gaming from time to time, but this is my last visit to PERPheads.

Here are some commendable people:

Thank you for taking me upon in your reign as Head Administrator. Being an Enforcer here is an experience that I shall carry forward with me. Your skills and your commitment to the staff team back then was second to none and for that I respect you.

We had some great times back in the days of The Belinsky Family, and in the days of Quality Street and others. You took me on and allowed me to enjoy PERPheads in a different light. Thank you for making my experience here a blast.

Thank you for everything you've done for me, involving me in early development and creating such an amazing gamemode with your peers. You have done a smashing job and I hope that PERPheads will be one of your proudest works.

Thank you for those amazing times in The Belinsky Family and other occasions. You were and still are one of my favorite members from PERPheads. I hope you're doing well, and that we'll play again one day.

If I didn't mention you, it wasn't intentional; those are the people that simply stuck out to me at the time of writing this. I hope that PERPheads carries on in the direction it's going and remains a successful hub of inspiration for years to come. I bid you all farewell, and good luck in your future endeavors.

Thank you, and goodbye.
Sad to see you go Acerius, when I saw you for the first time in my time here I saw your dedication to the server and you have amazing knowledge of the rules and laws.

Good Luck In Life!
Oh man, you had a good chance of becoming enforcer!
Well, thanks for helping the community and being a good supervisor! :)

Good luck in life.