Group Text/Chat

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Main Idea: Group Chat on Phone

Full description of the idea: The ability to use SMS Messenger and have group texts on your phone.

Why should it be added?: Well, of course there is ORG Chat, but for that to happen, everyone that's basing has to be apart of the same ORG, I want there to be something that if when 3 or more people are basing, they can make a SMS Group Chat and can talk from there! :D

Pros: Organizes texts/chat so you don't have multiple chats that's cluttering your phone. Easy and quick to use for New/Old Players. A more immersive feel to PERP.

Cons: Might take a while to make, sorry about that.

*Other additions: When I was basing with my friends, We were all in separate ORG's, and so we couldn't text all 3 of us together at once, making it hard to text and giving a slight un-immersive feel to the game, if this could be added, it would mean a lot and can really help the server, thank you.
There is no point in this really, we have org chat, having multiple chats its just going to get confusing and this is not really needed In my opinion.
Org chat is a thing though, so this is literally not needed
I know ORG Chat is a thing, but if your basing with people in another ORG, and they don't wanna leave, and you don't wanna leave yours, it's gonna be hard to talk to all of them, it will be quick and fast, easy to use, and if you think it's going to be complicated, then ya don't have to use it, it would still help the people who need it, but either way, thank you for your opinions

@Rhys :) @Inchs
I know ORG Chat is a thing, but if your basing with people in another ORG, and they don't wanna leave, and you don't wanna leave yours, it's gonna be hard to talk to all of them, it will be quick and fast, easy to use, and if you think it's going to be complicated, then ya don't have to use it, it would still help the people who need it, but either way, thank you for your opinions

@Rhys :) @Inchs
Just invite them to the org then kick them after or ring one of them its not hard
Org chat isn't the best as some of us have friends outside our org and we don't want to join their org just to talk to them.
Org chat isn't the best as some of us have friends outside our org and we don't want to join their org just to talk to them.
Text them, ring them, its not hard, either invite them to the org or struggle to contact them, the whole reason there is an org chat is so people can quickly talk to each other.
Text them, ring them, its not hard, either invite them to the org or struggle to contact them, the whole reason there is an org chat is so people can quickly talk to each other.

I think you misunderstood the point of the thread, it's for multiple people not just 1. You could communicate as officers with civilians, communicate with friends from multiple orgs. I can personally think of many situations where this would be useful, such as a raid with friends from 3 different orgs that they don't want to leave or communicating with officers during raids.
I think you misunderstood the point of the thread, it's for multiple people not just 1. You could communicate as officers with civilians, communicate with friends from multiple orgs. I can personally think of many situations where this would be useful, such as a raid with friends from 3 different orgs that they don't want to leave or communicating with officers during raids.
If you want to talk to more then one person at once create an org and use the org chat, I don't understand what is so difficult.
If you need to talk to an officer, use the 911 function or ingame voice chat.
Most good orgs will use Teamspeak in a raid anyway, so it's stupid to suggest that you use org chat to silently communicate, as this is ineffective.
If you want to talk to more then one person at once create an org and use the org chat, I don't understand what is so difficult.

Do you understand the fact that sometimes people don't want to leave an org just to talk to one or 2 people and sometimes friend groups are within several different orgs.

If you need to talk to an officer, use the 911 function or ingame voice chat.

Not if multiple people wish to talk to multiple officers.

Most good orgs will use Teamspeak in a raid anyway, so it's stupid to suggest that you use org chat to silently communicate, as this is ineffective.

You realise org chat is not just for raids right?

You can't seem to grasp the idea that I'm trying to tell you so I'm done trying to persuade you.
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Do you understand the fact that sometimes people don't want to leave an org just to talk to one person?

Not if multiple people wish to talk to multiple officers.

You realise org chat is not just for raids right?

You can't seem to grasp the idea that I'm trying to tell you so I'm done trying to persuade you.

You don't need to leave an org to talk to one person, just call their phone number?

There is no situation where you would need to be on call to multiple officers at once.

I'm not saying they are just for raids, but you already have org TS and org chat so you don't need anymore, this entire feature is pointless and already implemented.
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