Grow Inc Applications

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What is your Steam name?: [PH] Janice
What is your In-Game name? Gary Marshall
What is your current playtime?: 2 weeks
How old are you?: 14 on 30/12
Do you know anyone in the org?: I have talked to sam once or twice not sure who else is in it
How much money do you have?: I have about 400k Plus about 100k of drugs to sell
What cars do you own: Audi TT 2007 full upgrade
What orgs have you been in : Was in avito for maybe a week but Been in a few small ones looking for more
What is your current firearms level?: 7 or 8 increasing it
What can you offer us: Protection, Support and whatever else you need really
What is your Steam name?: Shortbusgangster
What is your In-Game name? Patrick Smith
What is your current playtime?: 6 days
How old are you?: 14
Do you know anyone in the org?: I've talked to Patrik Berry and Sam a few times.
How much money do you have?: 180k
What cars do you own: Ford Transit
What orgs have you been in: Ducks (friend's org)
What is your current firearms level?: 20 (Have a bunch of stuff to craft though)
What can you offer us: I can offer a helping hand in raids and other situations. My aiming is pretty good and I can shoot down raiders with ease.I also have perception 4 so I can make bombs experimental explosives.
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What is your Steam name?: Qyndryx
What is your In-Game name?: Paul Cassidy
What is your current playtime?: 3 days (playing more over Christmas)
How old are you?: 14
Do you know anyone in the org?: Janice
How much money do you have?: Roughly 100K
What cars do you own: Ford F100 (saving for a better car)
What orgs have you been in: Gracemeria
What is your current firearms level?: 1/2 (earning money to level up)
What can you offer us: I have lots of freetime. I can be on often so I can help with raids and pretty much whatever else you require help with. I am also good friends with Janice so we have good chemistry.

I have recently purchased premium, so I'm now focusing on earning money and collecting goods (drugs, cars, guns, etc.).
What is your Steam name?: LegacyGames| Al Capone
What is your In-Game name? James Willson
What is your current playtime?:1 week
How old are you?: 16
Do you know anyone in the org?: No
How much money do you have?: 50k
What cars do you own: I dont own any car im saveing up for a van.
What orgs have you been in: ItalianMafia,GhostFamilyGunShop,ReeksMB, and other i cant remember.
What is your current firearms level?: 12 im working my way up
What can you offer us: I can give org members money if they need, im a loyal person i help in raids and if we are geting raided il come asap i dont cear if i waste guns i just want to defend our base so nobody raids us.
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