Halloween Giveaway

Reaction score
——— Halloween Giveaway ———

Due to it being Halloween I thought I’d be nice and do a money giveaway.
The total prize will be 800K split between 4 people.

All you have to do to enter is reply with a number between 1 and 50, When all 50 spaces have been filled I will randomly choose 4 numbers and record it for proof. Winners will be PMd after.

You must claim any prize in less than 2 weeks or I give the money out randomly.
@Super_ is banned

rate heart pls
Every winner will get 200K

1 - Mango
2 - Phantom
3 - Henk
4 -Yolomuffin
5 - Niko
6 - Daigestive
7 - TheHomelessDude
8 - Putanovski
9 - Boyle
10 - Tilin
11 - Wiki
12 - Tunnels
13 - Dysclose
14 - Weazel
15 - FatGeorge
16 - Rhys
17 - Slayerduck
18 - Exnem
19 - Hondjo
20 - NoHax
21 - Fielding
22 - Ermak
23 - Curak
24 - Thomas Fredrick
25 - Spaceshots
26 - Detrix
27 - Taylor
28 - Fryes
29 - Logan Finch
30 - Cody Garrett
31 - City Stars
32 - Aero
33 - Orzel
34 - Peemnaja
35 - Samserminator
36 - IceKiller
37 - Yaseen
38 - Madda
39 - Walker
40 - Jer
41 - Paul Skinback
42 - Jimmythehamster
43 - Collier
44 - Creepis
45 - Legion of Darkness
46 - Aquaa
47 - Gravedinosaur
48 - Misel
49 - Ivgeni
50 - Brikaas​