Has science gone too far? Are we playing god? “Caffeine/energy” vapes hitting the market...

What the fuck

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I understand vaping for stuff like CBD, THC, and nicotine, but this is truly something else. What the fuck. Why not just drink red bull or have a cup of coffee? Or get an energy bar? I dunno, maybe it’s just me but this seems like an odd fad.

I understand vaping for stuff like CBD, THC, and nicotine, but this is truly something else. What the fuck. Why not just drink red bull or have a cup of coffee? Or get an energy bar? I dunno, maybe it’s just me but this seems like an odd fad.
So you understand people using nicotine which gives the user no pleasure other than satisfying their nicotine addiction, but don't understand why someone would use it for a energy boost, to make them more active?

Last time I checked, there were no nicotine drinks or nicotine foods because that’d be dangerous. Vaping is an alternative to smoking, nicotine is absorbed into the system typically by smoking. Caffeine is absorbed into the system primarily by foods And drinks.
I dont think inhaling "guarana, ginseng and vitamin B12 " is healthy/safe. We already saw what Vitamin D does. This shit is for stupid kids.
That’s just weird, I remember there was those old disposable vape pens people used to sell in high school with energy drink flavour, literally the worst.
@Kenty I bought an 18mg per puff disposable one, used it all in like 2 hours and almost passed out in the studio
@Ethan Also for you or you can just get a drywall and punch it whenever i rate ur shit dumb
It relaxes you, from personal experience, hitting the JUUL for me I only start getting lighter for a few minutes and go a bit relaxed and happy.

Cigarettes do the same but are far worse but vapes are equally as worse due to the harms such as overheating/melting/exploding and popcorn lungs from dodgy e-liquids.
Just smoke regular cigarettes you zoomers

it's even healthier than this shit you be sucking on
