Hello. Ingame name is Ind.


Reaction score
Hello guys,

My name is Tyrel, I am 16 years old. In game name known as Ind, character name "Tyrel Pipisi".
I'd just like to introduce myself, I've been playing here for quite a while now, enjoying this great server, awesome coder whoever you are with fantastic admins i.e.Cyrus no favouritism here :P. Donated to the server because I enjoy playing everyday, and want to keep this server running forever (well not literally but you know what I mean).
I enjoy computer gaming such as Garry's Mod of course, programming (as I am in the process of learning it). So yeah, that's me. See you in the server chaps :)
Welcome to the server!

I've played with you once, and you made a good first-hand impression to me :)
Fexxe;n2913 said:
Welcome to the server!

I've played with you once, and you made a good first-hand impression to me :)

Oh right great! what was your ingame name.. can't remember who you might be hehe ^^