
  • Thread starter Thread starter Trande
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my name is Trande, and I play on the server for like two days now. I really enjoy it, and I will stay for quite awhile! :D
I RP for like one and a half year, have done a lot of CW:HL2RP, and CW:FalloutNWRP! Anyways, see you on the server :)
Considering your popularity on the server, it is surprising you only just joined like me! Hey, anyway!
Nuka said:
Considering your popularity on the server, it is surprising you only just joined like me! Hey, anyway!
Hah, thank you! Hello, and nice to meet you! You are a awesome Roleplayer! :D
Ruby said:
Welcome! You should be a good role-player if you've played HL2RP for some time before. I hope to RP with you in the future ;)
Hello! Thank you, we will, for sure! :D
Hello Trande, I'm seen you in the server a couple times, you seem like a good player.