[HELP] This is a typing bug/glitch

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Hello there,

Not many of you know this, but there is a typing bug/glitch that not many people have. I am one of those unlucky people who got it :(. @Robin Handsomealot got this glitch once, and he is the only guy I know that has information about this "glitch". This is happening to me quite a lot, and @Kitty can confirm that. I cannot type when this glitch occurs. This means I cannot report rule breakers, talk OOC'ly, Talk in the /gov, nor can I talk to my organization. I really need help with this, so if anyone has anything to say please do. I have already reinstalled Gmod, but it doesn't seem to work. When this "Glitch" occurs the only option I have is to close Gmod from my desktop and open it again. Problem is when I open it again it takes me 10 min until the "Glitch" reoccurs. This might be the reason for my inactivity if it doesn't get fixed soon :(.

Here is a video of how the "Glitch" looks like:

Thanks for you time,
George Schurr
I got this glitch afew times as well, you can't any icons such as the scroll reel or mic image,soon as you press the Y the camera angle changes and you can't type and can't press escape,only to leave is Alt tabbing as Creepis said i can't bothered to leave myself. After getting kicked and rejoining everything seemed to be fine.
Are you getting any messages in your console it could be something interfering with the chat system yet it is unable to close. This is not the first issue to appear in this update I have never heard of a bug like this before however a well known one is the chat system not actually showing up until you press y so you see no messages before you try to chat. Open up your console and try observe it before, during and after the bug hopefully the problem will show up.
Do any of you carry a camera around by any chance? Because it might have something to do with the cameras. If you do carry a camera around, put it in the storage and never touch it again. Lock it in a box and throw away the key. Burn it to ashes!
Try rebinding everything and re-download the content, hope it works :) also put binoculars in the storage.

And if it doesn't work I think you can just do say " /OOC /HELP /LOOC "Message " in console.
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I have been inactive from the server for a while (maybe 1 month or so), and when I came back it was fixed. @Xquality told me that this occurred to him in the past and it was fixed by its own. So, I guess there is no other fix to this other than being patient.

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I have been inactive from the server for a while (maybe 1 month or so), and when I came back it was fixed. @Xquality told me that this occurred to him in the past and it was fixed by its own. So, I guess there is no other fix to this other than being patient.
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