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Hello, i know I've been in the community for a long ass time, and people know me for the wrong reason, @Fasool recommended making a public apology for everything i have done, there are alot, ive tried a lot to make up with a lot of people, some have worked some have not, but id like people to get to know me, i want a fresh start, i don't wanna be the "Don't Piss Me Off" kid anymore, or the Reece Arnolds I raid with an m83" I really love the PERPHeads community, and its like no other, i don't know what it is about it that makes it so good, but a big part of it is the community.

Id really enjoy a second chance to prove myself in the community and be a dedicated member with no enemy's, I may take a little break in the future but for now, this is a apology to everyone, because god knows I've probably fucked all of you off. Sorry

IG Name: Joe Quin
OOC Name: [PH] Joe.

P.S Still wouldn't mind being leader of the chromosome division :Kappa:
Hello there "Joe". So, a few days ago Joe asked me for help because everybody hated him within the community and he noticed that I didn't hate him as much as they did. I noticed that he was a nice guy and what people said about him wasn't all true. I was pretty nice to him and when he asked me for a fresh start I told him to make a thread on the General Discussion section (Not introductions ;)) where he could apologize to anyone he has mistreated in the past and ask for a new chance. I gave Joe that chance, and not I'M asking you, not him, I'm asking you to give him a chance. Sure he did stupid things in the past, but he doesn't want to be hated anymore. I am asking every member within this community to give Joe a chance and welcome him to the community. After all I believe many members within this community are kind hearted, so giving him another chance wouldn't hurt.

Thank You,
George Schurr
To be fair, new introduction and/or apology or not, you're still gonna be the Reece Arnolds "dont piss me off" kid.
Joe, you're a meme in the community. Just embrace it.
You can be like the perpheads pepe.
Alright so! Me and @Joe. have met around In game a lot , and what @Fasool said , he really is a nice guy that you can base with and raid.
Yes everyone will know him as 'Don't Piss me off' , but seriously he made a mistake and doesn't everyone? lmfao
give him a chance for dam sake.
I was new to the community when you joined back. I gave you a chance as Joe Butcher trusted you. Then when I spoke to you yesterday you were being a "cunt" I'm not calling you a cunt im saying you acted like a cunt.
Another one, Another One, Another One. I understand, you want to be more liked but you're going to have to be nice to everyone in game before they like you, i just don't see you doing that. Not much people take the piss out of you anymore, nobody's perfect. You can't expect to be liked by everyone.
The reasoning some people "hate" you is because you're one of the most stubborn people on the server. Yesterday you asked a question if it was allowed doing something where three mods agreed to it being fine, you then decided to start saying no it's not and stuff like that, obviously that sends a signal to us staff members that you don't give a damn about what we say
Yes, Joe will obviously be remembered as Reece Arnolds but what he is asking for is a chance to be not hated anymore, he might not be liked by everyone but he wants the whole community to stop turning on him and laughing at everything he does. Me and Joe have not been the greatest of friends but he is asking for it to change and he is having enough of enemies and people making fun out of his "Don't piss me off". I guarentee a lot of us have done that, including me, but I think enough is enough now and if you were in that situation where everyone hated you, you wouldn't like it either, so I don't know why we all bully him anymore, it needs to stop. We can't change the past but we damn sure can change the future. Last night I think I sorted it out with him before he even made this, if I can forgive him then you can. It's not nice to be bullied and me and some other people have realised that, hence why we stopped and we just don't want to be enemies again.

Give him another chance, that's all he wants.

This is your second apology post, you keep saying "I want to be liked" etc etc but you don't do anything different. You are forgotten for a few weeks then you join/make an org. Do something retarded, get hated by people. Then you make a video of you standing in the same spot for 10 minutes, start massive arguments on the forums. Then people pick apart thr video looking for rule breaks, most of the time they find some, and make ars.

Stop being so stubborn and arrogant.

This really pisses me off (lol) because you always say that you want to fit in, but you do nothing about it, you just say sorry and expect everything to change, but it wont change unless you do something about it.
Nobody hates you, they're just tired of your bullshit.

*Doesn't change, still hated.


*Hated less.
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If you want a tip bud I'd suggest you to stay away for a few months and come back when you actually changed. You're not giving it enough time and you're way too impatience. It's just constantly the same with you because 'changing' takes like 1 day for you.

(personal experience fam :troll: )
Joe, here's why people don't like you.
No one knows you ingame because you do nothing but grow and raid with other people.
You then aggravate people and orgs by saying and doing dumb things.
Then you post a salty video and expect to get what? I never saw the reason you post these videos, and keep going even after you keep getting hate for them.
Like others said you are too stubborn, you can't let things off and ignore them or just live with them.
And the most annoying things about you, the ratings. Just don't even use them...
So if you wanna apologize and never promise a change in the apologies don't even apologize.
Right, So everyone, some people i dont even actually know or have met in-game have made these remarks, but you dont know me, you have seen my vids and posts on the forums, all 5+ actually constructive comments from @Fasool @atomic_wizard @JarredInator @Daragh @AndyAir and anyone els i've forgot, these comments are positive because they are round me alot, they have obviously seen my improvement. Im not saying your comments are wrong im just saying i think your being a bit harsh, im trying to change, but aparently im promising stuff. I didnt promise anything. All i actually want is to be a member in the community without people like @Teemo typing insults over an omegle meetup.