Hitman / Callum Byford

Reaction score
Great Britain
So a little earlier on today myself and @THE SPOOK skimmed Callum's medic vehicle at high speed while racing, and proceeded to do an awesome flip and smash into a lamppost down the road. (We were in my car, racing another.)
We decided to RP proper a proper MVA, despite the fact that the car, and ourselves, were completely fine.

Unlike most people, who would get out, call you a nob, and drive off. Callum decided to rp with us, and even called over a firefighter to extract us both from the "wreckage" (perfectly fine BMW M5 parked on the sidewalk with hazards on.) He then transported us both to hospital where we continued the situation and recovery, despite nuisances like @Slayerduck trying to film a porno instead.

/desc Four months pass.

His standard of RP was outstanding, and I'd like to reccomend him and his RP to anyone who'll listen. If you ever come across him in-game, you'll see how his RP really is just a cut above most others.

@The HitMan
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I totally agree with this recommendation, most medics would just hit you with the heal thingy and run away, you chose to spend time to RP with us and help us out rpwhise, you did this with great proffesionalism...

thanks man.
