Hobbies and Interests

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So, what do you get up to when you're not on your computer? It's always cool to know what people do.
I'll start;
I like to go out a lot, i'm a St. John Ambulance cadet as is @Swiper The Elf. In the summer I kayak a bit and I have been known to enjoy going for a run but at the moment I fear my nipples might freeze and fall off if I go out.

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I occasionally go out shooting. And by that, I don't mean out in the wild, but on a shooting range.
And that's basically it. I used to go play tennis, handball and football (soccer).

Very interesting.
I both play and coach Floorball, taking my drivers licence at the moment and school. That is pretty much it at the moment. Really can't wait to be done with school, only 6 months left.
So much to do afterwards I havent desided what to begin with yet.
I like to play computer indeed, otherwise I do a lot of crafting from various of things, I craft slippers, knives and stuff like that.

I have done my Hunting license, and currently in progress of weaponry license/shotgun so that I can shoot animals. :)
I'm also in progress of a Tractor license, in which is pretty awesome as we have a fiatagri 80-90, pretty old but decent model :asshat:
Edit: All that stuff belongs to my school/school studying, other than that like playing computer is home :)
Im calling 911 and reporting @The-Devils-Son and i say "This person is extremely dangerous also rapist". Probably he got raided by Police/SWAT Units million times and faced with Police Brutality.

Sorry,had to confess this..thats mostly what i do whenever i get bored.
I play American football in the Birds of Prey team and hell I enjoy it. Sometimes I go to a box club and beat the shit out of someone :p. And I play guitar its fun.
I really enjoy going out with some mates and do some banter like going in a shisha-bar (which @Creepis doesn't know what it is as he isn't a real turk) and having a great time there or going out in the night with them to have a blast.

Sports wise like to swimming whereever I am, I don't care for pools, ponds, lakes and shit as long as you don't get Aids when you swim in there. Skiing is my #1 favorite sport which isn't a suprise as I am Austrian and I live near some great ski-resorts. Last but no least I like to go mountainbike in the summer and the same counts here as for skiing, I live near the mountain

And for the end as many of you know, I am a firefighter besides school and I like my duties and help people in emergencies. Just this very morning, we had another alarm (I usually make selfies in the fire engine afterwards and send them on Snapchat) and I really like my education there and I enjoy doing further training.
If im not playing on the computer (Which is rare;)) I'm either out with a few friends or working on my political career as I am part of many youth organisations and groups that have been on TV and basically go round the country xD To some its boring but I love it :D

Usually during the summer I'll hop on a train and visit some history Museums in London usually to do with WW2 as I love my British and Germanic history <3