Hoblit : Killing me over a ticket, 3.4 and lying in sit.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Sneaky/Dave Kearney
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Hoblit / Noah santiago or something.

    • STEAM_0:0:29981691
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Basicly, the guy was hitting his car with a bat, so i ask him why. He jumps in the car. Drives away like my 80 year old nan. Stops. Kills me at ragnatech and adverntualy, im finished off.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 14000 (exact)

P.S: @Bolli would permanently ban him, incase he was lying in the sit.





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1. He broke 3.15 by damaging his own car for no reason.
2. He broke 2.1 by hitting his car with a bat, kinda unrealistic, really.
3. He broke 3.4 by killing you in front of an NPC that could call the cops and he would probably be shot down if he attacked them with a baseball bat.

You have my support.
NOTE TO ALL: Steam wont let me upload one of the screenshots of console. ill try to upload when they work, it said steam is down.
I roleplayed that i was fixing my car from previous events, i did indeed get hit first before i hit you in the head with the bat. In our sit you obviously said " he stopped his car and jumped out and killed me". which was a lie. You yelled "STOP, YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL" multiple times, not over a ticket, the sentence might not be high but it's still something, please provide the whole demo.
Okay so the evidence shows he broke the following rules and what he did to break them.

Rule 3.4
The user killed you infront of a camara and shop with a Npc therfour had put his life at risk as well this goes on to another rule.

Rule 6.3
The user killed you in a area where a NPC can hear of spot the user hitting you with a baseball bat the user did not take this into consideration.

Rule 3.15
The user damaged his vehicle for no reason and didnt consider the damage that could have happend to his vehicle.

Rule 2.1
The user hit his car with a weapon which was very unrealistic to see a owner of a vehicle hit there own car with a weapon.
As much as it surprises me it does seem that hoblit should be punished for the breakage of the rules shown in the evidence.

As stated above, it's pretty evident that it was completely unnecessary to kill you or to even start this whole pursuit in the first place. Due to warning count and other factors, Hoblit will be permanently banned from the server.
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