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So back in the day when I was a little sweater (and little kid) my days on perp generally consisted of growing in a big org and then getting salty when I got raided or lost some sort of items. This wasn't the most fun times because I only aimed to become rich. I didn't recognise good roleplay. And I never did become rich either. This meant that my perp life was getting quite boring as I was stuck in a downwards cycle of powergrowing then losing it all the next day.

Then comes along Danny. The first person I had met who actively did not grow but instead preferred this style of roleplay he called "passiveRP". At the time I didn't know what this was and so he showed me some stuff about it, I can't remember exactly what it was but I believe he furnished a house to which I was surprised when there were no drugs stuffed into the bathroom. In all honesty I found it really boring however it was the start of my epiphany to realise just how much potential there was for good RP.

And so we come to present day. Danny still carries out his acts of roleplay and now I do too. I have seen a huge difference since when I was obsessed about getting money to today - instead of getting upset when I lose a gun, I now see myself as a nicer and relaxed person generally due to the more flattened roller coaster of emotions that meet me. I see Danny as a mentor to me and I have to dedicate where I am now (staff team) to Danny. He is genuinely, generally a nice guy who does not mean any harm to anyone.
Although he is quite stinky isn't he rogue.. @Rogue Car Tyres
As a previous staff member Danny knows the rules to an exceptional standard and abides to them no matter what the situation is.

Some things I have done with Danny:
- Tax Collectors
- Furnished Houses
- Roadcrew Building - Caravan Club - Fishing Trips - Race Track

Agree. Danny is a great PassiveRP'er (and a girl at cs:go :kappa: ). He can really bring anyone into a good mood just by being there. He's an all around funny guy and I love roleplaying with him (even though it's been a while :( )

Only downside is, he didn't remember me in game.. :(
You didn't have to do this BUT it was very nice of you buddy ( :kappa: )! I don't really remember how I met you but I still regret going on the server that day :kappa:

I've always thought you would make an excellent enforcer at one point in your time here, and I congratulate you in getting in!

Agree. Danny is a great PassiveRP'er (and a girl at cs:go :kappa: ). He can really bring anyone into a good mood just by being there. He's an all around funny guy and I love roleplaying with him (even though it's been a while :( )

Only downside is, he didn't remember me in game.. :(

Stop using your odd Japanese names and maybe I wouldddddd remember you!!!!!!! xD

He's a very stinky willy indeed.
But yes, Danny is brilliant and there wouldn't be a Perpheads without him :)

well sort of

You're a stinky willy. :(