Discussion post: https://perpheads.com/threads/horticulture.20998/
Main idea: adding the ability to plant seeds of common vegetables and fruits in order to grow and sell (Like shrooms and pumpkins)
Description: Alright, so you go and buy corn/potato/lettuce/carrot/lemon/orange/potato seeds from an NPC located at Uncle Co's or somewhere in the docks (preferably the pub). The seeds are planted like the pumkin seeds or the shrooms. They grow untill they are ripe. The player then harvests said plants and has the option to eat or cook it. It then becomes edible and can be consumed. This would also be a new variant of sellable foodstuffs other than fish.
The best food in PERPHEADS right now are burgers. They get your hunger up from Hungry to Not Hungry with one use. We could make these new types of food have a better effect on the player's hunger, making these products more desirable and effective when purchased. When fish is cooked it replenishes hunger preety poorly. I need to eat at least 2 fish to get myself from Slightly Hungry to Not Hungry, plus making cooked fish requires no effort what so ever. Just put your fishing rod in any water source (except bazzar fountain) and in less than a minute you have food. Just today I was fishing with @Frank and @Saxtonhille at hicktown and we managed to get 100+ cooked fish each. I mean, we didn't even leave our compound in hicktown because we had so much food.
To prevent players from placing the plants everywhere without harvesting them or simply forgeting to harvest we could have the same effect like with mushrooms. After you leave them alone for a long time without harvesting they become brown and despawn.
Main idea: adding the ability to plant seeds of common vegetables and fruits in order to grow and sell (Like shrooms and pumpkins)
Description: Alright, so you go and buy corn/potato/lettuce/carrot/lemon/orange/potato seeds from an NPC located at Uncle Co's or somewhere in the docks (preferably the pub). The seeds are planted like the pumkin seeds or the shrooms. They grow untill they are ripe. The player then harvests said plants and has the option to eat or cook it. It then becomes edible and can be consumed. This would also be a new variant of sellable foodstuffs other than fish.
The best food in PERPHEADS right now are burgers. They get your hunger up from Hungry to Not Hungry with one use. We could make these new types of food have a better effect on the player's hunger, making these products more desirable and effective when purchased. When fish is cooked it replenishes hunger preety poorly. I need to eat at least 2 fish to get myself from Slightly Hungry to Not Hungry, plus making cooked fish requires no effort what so ever. Just put your fishing rod in any water source (except bazzar fountain) and in less than a minute you have food. Just today I was fishing with @Frank and @Saxtonhille at hicktown and we managed to get 100+ cooked fish each. I mean, we didn't even leave our compound in hicktown because we had so much food.
To prevent players from placing the plants everywhere without harvesting them or simply forgeting to harvest we could have the same effect like with mushrooms. After you leave them alone for a long time without harvesting they become brown and despawn.

+ a new way for players to sell various foodstuffs. Yes we do have fish and pumkin spiced coffe and 'Trapani Pasta' (@Josef Stalin ) but, honestly, people arent interested in buying some cooked cod they could have made themselves with 0% effort
+ more ways for players to PassiveRP
+ I can easily see myself opening a corn stand in the bazzar on infront of the City Hall.
+ more ways for players to PassiveRP
+ I can easily see myself opening a corn stand in the bazzar on infront of the City Hall.
- may be too excessve to add