Hotdogs Horseshoes & Hand Grenades

Reaction score
Berlin, Germany
Yes, It's a weird name for a game, but! It's the best and most realistic VR Shooter ever! H3VR is a sandbox/competitive-ish game where you get a lot of maps and gamemodes to play, with the most realistic possible weaponry and ordnance you can have. around 400-600 weapons, all ranging from different eras, Hotdog enemies and It's popular game mode Take and Hold. T&H is game mode where you choose a character, pick a map and settings and drop on a random spawn with a random gun from the type of character you picked. You mostly begin with either revolver, pistol, shotgun or bolt action rifle. The objective is to capture points from Enemy Sosigs and do either 3, 5 or endless amount of holds to capture. It's an incredibly fun gamemode that can be heavily improved with mods, and that's where another fun part comes in. Mods in H3VR are just amazing, around 3000 mods that range from guns to vehicles to skins. Some Mods are T&H Background Music that can be changed to play anything you want sorta. There are a bunch of Sandbox maps to play on, and modded ones too. I highly recommend the game to any VR fps players and highly recommend installing mods for the game as it will make it 100x better. This is all I wanted to say, bye <3
Games like that are a niche I never found myself into. I really like vr gun mechanics don’t get me wrong, but I like it to compliment the game not be the whole focus.

Games like:

Walking Dead S&S
Half Life Alyx
Zero Caliber

And probably many more are great games that aren’t solely about shooting sausages
Games like that are a niche I never found myself into. I really like vr gun mechanics don’t get me wrong, but I like it to compliment the game not be the whole focus.

Games like:

Walking Dead S&S
Half Life Alyx
Zero Caliber

And probably many more are great games that aren’t solely about shooting sausages
I'd really love to try out Walking dead one day!
people who own VRs must be very rich. or im just very poor
I mean, VR headsets cost just about the same as a console, so considering you have a PC - if you were that into it, they'd be within budget.

Though to me, the headsets r a bit overhyped
I'd really love to try out Walking dead one day!
if that’s what you’re into, there’s also SURV1V3 for multiplayer. It’s a zombie survival and it’s like an open world version of No More Room In Hell if you know that free game. NMRIH is a great old source game, SURV1V3 Feels so similar but it looks nice in its own way.
bonelab and boneworks have the best weapon handling but not the most realistic, also good modding community (i make mods for it)
bonelab and boneworks have the best weapon handling but not the most realistic, also good modding community (i make mods for it)
My take on both games:

bonelab was a over-hyped gimmick in my opinion. The devs in my opinion failed the community by giving a mediocre campaign and not living up to the expectations of people who thought it would be like Gmod in VR by at the least adding an official multiplayer but instead they were entitled towards the community by refusing so the community modders had to do it themselves.

Boneworks is great however, it was one of a kind during its time. The campaign is immersive and engaging, I recall being so immersed I began playing around 10 pm one night and when I took off the headset I felt like I played for an hour but turns out it was 6 am lol. It has such a good liminal feel and satisfying combat.

TL: DR Don't buy bonelab, it's a scam. Get boneworks, it's better.
bonelab isnt a scam because the mods are way better than boneworks mods were even if it wasnt done with official tools, a lot of what slz are doing behind the scenes are invisible and are just being done to make it easier for official support (doesnt exonerate them of the fact that they released without finishing mod support LOL), and no one expected them to release an official multiplayer either, that took almost a year to be done without official tools anyways
bonelab isnt a scam because the mods are way better than boneworks mods were even if it wasnt done with official tools, a lot of what slz are doing behind the scenes are invisible and are just being done to make it easier for official support (doesnt exonerate them of the fact that they released without finishing mod support LOL), and no one expected them to release an official multiplayer either, that took almost a year to be done without official tools anyways
No, people definitely expected it to be the next Gmod but in VR.

Fusion got so much hype which proves that it would've been great, As we know Gmod has multiplayer as well as how integral Multiplaeyr is to gmod and I think a official multiplayer upgrade would've helped but the devs slacked not only on that but also mod support or providing a proper fun factor rather than just throwing out a half-assed modkit for people to use on their engine. We agree the campaign is shit, the only levels I recall having fun in is Street Fighter and that magma level. Just because modders make toys to play with by yourself like custom guns, low quality maps, avatars and vehicles doesn't mean the game isn't scam in my opinion. I came to bonelab expecting it to have full-blown proper gamemodes like how in Gmod you can play Murder or Dark RP and they're both totally different but they're both run using Gmod. But nah, there's no experience to be had other than janky low quality maps where you run around as minecraft steve shooting airpod shotgun at best.