How long was your longest ban

5 days, first and only ban in 2015. Disconnecting in an RP situation. I swear my mom forced me to back then if i wouldn't come for dinner lmao.

@John Daymon guess what. 8 years after and I'm still minging here!
Permanent, but I wouldn't count it since I was barely affiliated with the server then

Six months for MRDM... The incident at Bazaar Shop 3 will be remembered by the patriots
Perma. My brother got banned for a few days back in 2017 and SourceBans flagged me as an ALT due to family sharing. Fortunately, Mr Moderator @Tyla Jai was very generous to accept my brothers appeal and all was well!

As for an actual ban due to me breaking rules, 1 week was my longest. Still waiting for that ban reasoning even to this day but the comments are pure gold:


1 month for metagaming last year, first time I'd played the server and didn't really care for it at the time; this was when players could close reports as well so I just closed the report on the admin and disconnected lol
2 Weeks, back in like, 2014 or some shit, wasn't even that bad, just some light metagaming and disconnecting when uncon. Nothing cool.